Chapter 34

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Brielle's pov
Jasmine and Anthony's wedding party was awesome and I didn't think I had more fun in my life but that day quickly passed and March 8th came and I woke up at 6:00 excited.
Today was my birthday and I was a teenager well in my eyes most people call 13 year old preteens but if it says Thir-TEEN I'm pretty sure that makes me a teen.
The first thing I here is a ding and I go to my phone and see a bunch of messages from my friends and the Hamilton cast wishing me a happy birthday I didn't want to get up but it was Friday and tonight I was having a sleepover with all my friends and best thing of all is that Winnie was coming to see me for my birthday.
So I got dressed it still wasn't hot outside but today it was warm so I decided to wear a white long sleeve, skinny jeans, flats and a jean jacket.
I showered and then I went downstairs to the kitchen where I saw my whole family making breakfast.
"Happy birthday Brielle!" Pippa yells wrapping me in a tight hug and I almost can't breathe but I enjoy the love.
Mom sees me and drops the whisk and she gives a huge hug and then I see tears fall down her eyes.
"Pippa look at our little Brielle grow up she is now a teenager." Mom says and Pippa laughs.
"Yes she is hey Brielle you wear a bra right?" Pippa says and I put my hands on my cheeks in embarrassment.
"Mom tell her to Shut Up please." I say desperately and Pippa laughs.
"I'm just playing Brielle but seriously do you?" Pippa asks and I bury my face in my hands and say: "is it over?"
Mom puts her hand on my shoulder.
"Yes it's over Brielle." Mom tells me and I put my face out my hands to hear Lin and Daveed snickering.
"You guys heard all that didn't you?" I ask and Lin nods while trying to control his laughter it doesn't work though.
"Pippa look what you did." I say but I start to laugh too.
Finally breakfast is ready and I eat my pancakes before realizing it's time for me to go to the bus.
"Alright guys I have to leave but I'll see you guys later." I say and I grab my book bag from my room and walk to the bus stop.
I couldn't believe that in a couple of weeks though Jasmine was leaving Hamilton for her maternity leave. Mom was going on her maternity leave next month.
Anyways when I go to the bus stop I'm not even there for five seconds Th
eodosia and Bridgett tackle my ass with a group hug.
"Happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday Brielleeeee happy birthday to you." Bridgett and Theodosia sing me to me I laugh.
"Where's Jackson?" I ask and Theodosia smiles.
"He's not coming on the bus today he's bringing you some cupcakes at school along with Nicole." Theodosia says and Bridgett punches her arm.
"Theodosia what the hell that was supposed to be a surprise." Bridgett scolds and I laugh Theodosia never was the type to keep a non-serious secret.
"Well hey aren't you happy Bridgett that Winnie is coming too visit us today?" I ask Bridgett and she's grinning from ear to ear.
"Yes I can't wait I finally get to see my little babe again." Bridgett gushes and the bus comes on the bus I hear a chorus of happy birthdays from everyone including Olivia.
"Happy birthday Brielle." She says smiling and I get a warm feeling inside of me maybe Olivia wasn't that bad.
When we get to school I put my stuff in my locker and see Jackson in homeroom with a box of cupcakes and I grab one and he kisses me on the cheek Kaelyn walks by disgusted.
"Hey Brielle just because it's your birthday doesn't mean you get to change the rules there is still no pda in school." Kaelyn tells us and Jackson crosses his arm.
"Cmon Kaelyn it wasn't pda it was a small kiss on the cheek." Jackson says and I grab kaelyns hand.
"Cupcake?" I ask her and she jerks her hand away from me and grabs one and walks off to her posse.
"She didn't even say thank you ." Jackson tells me and I roll my eyes.
"She's a bitch remember." I say.
Ms.hudson walks into the class and Theodosia, Jackson, Bridgett and I sit at our normal seats in homeroom.
"Today I am aware that it is Brielle's birthday so how about we sing happy birthday to her." Ms.Hudson says everyone sings happy birthday to me and I smile everyone was being so nice even the kids I didn't know.
Finally the day was over and Jasmine picked Nicole, Bridgett Theodosia and I up to take me back to my house they brought they're sleeping stuff to school so they were set for the night.
"So how was school today Brielle?" Jazzy asks.
"It was good everyone ate some of cupcakes and said happy birthday to me even the kids I didn't know and Olivia told me happy birthday on the bus." I tell Jasmine and she laughs.
"Aww that was nice of her maybe she isn't really that rude maybe she doesn't know who to pick Kaelyn or you." Jasmine tells me and I roll my eyes.
"All she said was happy birthday that doesn't mean she didn't act bitchy to me at all before." I tell Jazzy and she sighs.
"oh ok." She says and me finally make it to our house.
We leap out the car to see mom in the living room along with Pippa on the couch.
"Hi girls." Mom and Pippa say.
"Hi Pippa and Renee." Theodosia and Bridgett and Nicole say.
"Where's dad, Lin and Sebastian?" I ask and Pippa smirks.
"They went to go buy a bra for you." She awnsers and my friends giggle and I facepalm.
"Pippa shut the hell up." I say and she laughs and mom laughs usually she would tell me to watch my mouth but you know she's letting it slide because it's my birthday.
"Don't worry Brielle you'll be able to embarrass your nieces when they get older." Mom tells me and I grab my friends and drag them to my room.
"Alright guys tonight since Winnie is coming over one two of you guys can sleep on the air mattress and two can sleep with me." I say and Theodosia smirks.
"Lmao Winnie and Bridgett should sleep together you know since they're a couple and-"
"Shut the fuck up Theodosia manning." Bridgett says cutting through and Theodosia and I laugh.
Tomorrow we were going to an amusement park and stuff then next week I was going to see heathers looks like a lot of stuff was going on for my birthday.
Bridgett, Theodosia, Nicole and I talk a lot mostly about how Kaelyn and how hers posse are bitches and about Pippa and her little jokes about me growing up and stuff.
Finally after actually a hour of talking mom comes into the room.
"Girls you have a visitor." She says.
We all go into the kitchen and there standing at the door is Winnie holding her bags all 4 of us run up to her and tackle her.
"I missed you so much Winnie you don't even know it." I say and Theodosia is laughing.
"Yes do you know how many times I couldn't do math problems and you weren't there to help me?" Theodosia asks and Winnie laughs.
"Hi Nicole." She says and Nicole squeezes Winnie even harder.
"I missed you babe." Bridgett says.
"I missed you too." Winnie tells Bridgett.
Mom laughs.
"Alright guys how about we all get up off of Winnie and you know get her settled because we have a night planned of telling old tales and watching movies so you guys better get started." Mom tells us.
I smile and grab Winnie and we run to my room and she flops down on my bed.
"I really did miss this place." Winnie tells me and Theodosia, Bridgett, Nicole and I smirk and we tickle Winnie.

Aww I want Pippa to be my aunt 😩 anyways Brielle's birthday isn't over yet and considering that I don't have writers block another chapter MIGHT be up today hope you all are having a good day ✌🏾️.

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