Chapter 35

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Brielle's pov
After we stopped tackling Winnie and brought her to my room to put her stuff away we all sat in a circle on my bedroom floor.
"How is Kaelyn still a bitch?" Winnie asks and I nod.
"still a bitch." We all say at the same time.
"How's California?" Theodosia asks and Winnie shrugs.
"Nothing like New York but I made some new friends at my new school." Winnie says them Bridgett narrows her eyes.
"Any hot girls?" She asks and Winnie laughs.
"Not as hot as you babe." Winnie tells Bridgett and they do a little kiss.
We all say 'aawwww' and Bridgett and Winnie blush.
"I hope you packed your bathing suit because we're going to an amusement park and water park tomorrow." I say and all of us cheer.
That's when I hear a knock on the door.
"Come in." I say.
Dad comes in along with Lin and Sebastian.
"Happy birfday Brielle." Sebastian says and I laugh at his pronouncement of birthday.
"Thanks seb." I say and I hug him.
"Hey you girls are having the whole house to yourself Anthony's picking me, Sebastian and Lin up and dropping off Jasmine." Dad tells me.
"We left your presents with Renee." Lin says and I smile and give them both a hug.
"Love you guys." I say.
"Love you too." They say back and I suddenly see dad crying.
"Daveed are you crying?" Nicole asks and we all laugh.
"No there was some dust in my eye I can't believe my little girl is 13 you're practically a woman." Dad says and I laugh.
"Yeah yeah dad I'm only 13 I'm not a woman yet." I say and we hug again.
"I love you Brielle." Dad tells me.
"I love you too dad." I say and we hug one more time and I hear all the girls in the background say awwww and then my dad leaves.
"Daveed is so sweet." Nicole says.
"Lmao he's sweet but over protective." I say and Theodosia laughs.
"Aren't all fathers overprotective?" She asks and Nicole nods.
"Anthony's not my father but he sure as hell acts overprotective." Nicole says. "He's afraid that I might get hurt if I go out but Jasmine always assures him I'm a smart girl and that I know who to pick."
We all laugh it seems like all the Ham males were protective over their kids or their daughter figures.
"Girls the pizza is here and so is jazzy so stop gossiping and come out!" I here mom yell and I roll my eyes.
Now mom is at the I'm so irritated I could punch somebody stage Pippa told me it's just her pregnancy hormones acting up again but it's been getting worse she literally yelled at dad last week for not getting her Coffee on time.
We walk out and we see pizza on the table and a cake next to it with the numbers 1 and 3 up there.
Dad and Lin weren't leaving until after everyone ate and stuff so they were there so finally we started with the cake. Mom turns the lights off and we start to sing happy birthday well not me since its my birthday.
When I'm done I blow out the candles and make my wish.
I wish that I will always have this family and that my friends will always be there for me and even if Jackson and I don't stay together forever we will still be friends as well.
Everyone claps and we start to open presents.
The first present I get is from Lin and it feels kind of flat to me.
I open it and inside are a bunch of motherfucking playbills signed by Broadway stars and I start screaming as loud as I can and give Lin a hug.
"Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you." I say to Lin and Lin laughs.
"You're welcome Brielle but I can't breathe." He says and everyone laughs including me as I let go.
The next present is from Theodosia and its a scrapbook of all the fun things we did together the Halloween candy hunt and the time we went to the theater on Saturday and we're just running around and stuff.
I give Theodosia a hug and start crying.
"Thanks Theodosia love you." I say and a tear slips down her cheek.
"Love you too." Theodosia says.
I open up some other presents some clothes a laptop (kudos to dad) and mom got me a Broadway phone case with Somme Stars signature up there.
"Thank you guys so much." I say and I give mom and dad, Lin, Pippa, Jasmine Anthony and all my friends are hug.
"Alright now that we have all the presents lets eat cake and then you boys leave." Mom says and we all get some pizza and cake.
I'm pretty sure mom and Jasmine had more pieces of cake then anybody else mom always blames her overeating on pregnancy but she can't use that excuse after June.
Finally we're all done eating and dad, Lin, Sebastian, and Anthony leave and all us girls get our pajamas on.
Mom is wearing her favorite hello kitty pajama pants with a pink tshirt with her bunny slippers and she looks like a teenager,
"alright girls how about we have some chit chat." Mom says and Pippa comes into the living room with some chairs and a huge blanket she got from the closet.
We set the chairs up along with some pillows to make a huge fort and we all get under.
"Girls I hope you all know I'm giving you all tickets so you  get to go see my last show when I leave for maternity." Jasmine says.
Jasmine last show was next Saturday I was seeing heathers Monday night sadly mom was making me go to school the next day.
"Thanks jaz." We all say and it gets quiet.
"Hey Winnie Bridgett if you guys want to make out you guys can we won't watch." Nicole says and we all laugh Winnie blushes.
"Shut the hell up Nicole." Bridgett says laughing punching Nicole lightly.
"Hey if you guys are going to make out we might as well invite Jackson him and Brielle make out at the back of the bus every morning and afternoon have you seen the marks on her shoulders?" Theodosia says and mom, Pippa, and Jasmine look at me.
"You do what Brielle?" Mom asks and Jasmine has her arms crossed.
"Listen Brielle toy just turned 13 and you already have hickeys." Jasmine says and I bury my hands in my face.
I suddenly start to laugh.
"You think I do that wait until you see what Kaelyn does." I say and Theodosia and the rest of my friends nod.
We end up staying up until 2 am until it's just me and mom up.
"Let's go to bed so that we'll be ready to go to the amusement park tomorrow." Mom says and I nod.
"Thanks for the good birthday mom." I tell mom and she smiles.
"No problem Brielle thanks for being a good daughter." Mom tells me and I scooch next to her and we fall asleep together.

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