Chapter 22

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It's Halloween and Renee was taking Sebastian, and I trick or treating along with Daveed, Lin and Pippa.
Oak decided to stay back to hand out candy we were all going to meet Jackson, Theodosia, Olivia, Bridgett and Winnie at the stagedoor with Theodosias mom and then go on the candy hunt at the theater.
Lin and Pippa took Lin's car they're going to pick up Groff and meet us at the theater.
Renee is dressed up as princess Tiana from princess and the frog and I'm the Mad hatter Sebastian is a mini Hamilton.
When we get to the theater I look around for Theodosia and when I finally see her I give her a hug.
Jackson is dressed up as Jake from state farm, Theodosia is dressed up as Kim possible, Winnie is dressed up as Belle from beauty and the beast, Bridgett is dressed up as Harley Quinn and Olivia is a waitress.
Mrs.Manning isn't dressed up but it's OK Lin and Pippa didn't dress up either.
Whe go inside onto the stage and wait until the rest of the cast and some of the ensemble comes.
"Ok guys welcome to the first ever Hamilton Scavenger hunt on Halloween." Lin says and everyone starts to cheer.
"Ok we're going to be split up into 5 teams of it so pick your teams." Pippa says and Bridgett, Jackson, Olivia, Winnie, Theodosia, Renee, Daveed and I get together.
"Does everyone have a team?" Lin asks Sebastian in one arm.
"Yess." Everyone yells.
"Then on your marks get set go." Pippa yells and our team starts to look.
"Hershey's chocolate bar at 10:00." Renée yells and I go and dive for it and put it into the basket we have.
We go into the audience and then Daveed throws Jackson a sour patch and he puts it in the jacket we start to go into the dressing room areas when I bump into Pippa we stare at a Snickers bar that is in the corner.
We immediately pounce on each other when I grab the Snickers bar and throw it to mom who is looking at the scene.
I get off of Pippa and she wipes herself off.
"Not bad for a twelve year old." Pippa tells me and I giggle.
Then we go to the basement and we see everyone searching our basket is almost all the way full.
"Ok Theodosia, Brielle, Renee and Daveed you guys look together and then the rest of us will look together." Olivia orders and we do as told.
We go up the stairs and Theodosia spots a whole bag of Swedish fish.
"Grab it!" I yell as I see Jasmine going down the stairs her baby bump has grown so it's hard for her to move that well but she was walking really fast Theodosia grabs it just as Jasmine hits the last step.
"You guys have 2 minutes left." We hear on the intercom and we immediately search the bathroom area.
We see carleigh and Thayne looking in the same area when the 6 of us see 2 packs of mini kit-kats we look at each other and we all start to run for them finally we think Thayne has grabbed the packs but he didn't there in her hands Renee did she starts to do her happy dance Lin calls it the breakdown.
"OK everyone time is up meet at the stage right now." We hear Lin's voice say and we go to the stage and he starts to examine who has the most candy.
"And the winner is Renee's group." Lin says and Anthony stands up.
"Thats not fair they have a pregnant Lady on their team." Anthony yells and Renée stands yo and laughs.
"Shutup Anthony you do too don't make me kick your ass." Renée threatens and Anthony smiles.
"I'll pass." He says and we start to eat our candy.

Renee's POV
That night when I walked in the house I saw the most shocking thing oak was on the couch kissing Vanessa Lin's ex wife.
"Oak what the hell are you doing?" I ask him and he turns around.
"Renee." He says and he looks nervous. "It's not what it looks like." Oak says and tears well in my eyes as a lump forms in my throat.
"Yeah you weren't just kissing Vanessa on my couch half naked." I say sarcastically and Vanessa gets up.
"Sorry Renée but oak just doesn't love you anymore." Vanessa tells me and I feel like slapping her in the face.
Sebastian is sleep which is good I don't want him seeing Vanessa.
Finally Lin steps up.
"Oak what the hell I can't beleive you and especially with my ex wife." Lin says and his voice is icy cold.
"And I thought you were supposed to be my father you got my mother pregnant and you abandoned her like this what is wrong with you." Brielle says and I suddenly go to my room and get all of Oak's stuff and put it in a pile in the living room.
"You don't live here anymore Oak leave." I tell oak coldly.
"Renee..." Oak says.
"Leave!" I yell and oak and vanessa collect his things and leave.
I run to my room and start to sob into the pillow when I hear a knock at the door.
"Go away." I say my voice cracking.
"Renee it's me Daveed." I hear Daveed say when I don't awnser he opens the door and sits next to me on the bed and I sob into his arms.
"How could he?!" I sob. "I loved Oak we were going to have a kid together and he goes and does this Lin should fire him!" I yell.
"Renee you are a beautiful woman Oak shouldn't have done what he did and I think Lin is firing him I would if I found oak having sex with my ex on the couch." Daveed tells me and before I know it we're making out and when we pull away I feel better.
"Daveed when we have this child we will always tell it that you are the child." I tell Daveed and that's when we see Brielle standing at the doorway.
"You guys are a thing now?" Brielle asks and I wipe my tears and motion for her to sit on the bed.
"Well I think we are that's up to Daveed." I tell Brielle and we both look at Daveed.
"Well Brielle I loved you for a long time even before you kissed oak on the couch that day." Daveed tells me. "I hope when we have this child we'll be the best parents we can to it." Daveed says and I hug him not wanting to pull away.

Daveeds POV
"Brielle I think you should leave." I say and she nods and then motions for me to come to her room.
"Daveed please don't be like Oak and leave my mom because I thought he was my father when he wasn't." Brielle says and she bursts into tears in my arms.
"I thought.....oak was going to love my m-m- mom but he didn't and I called him d-d-dad." Brielle says while crying.
I could see why Brielle was crying if I saw my father cheating on my mother I'll cry too.
"Brielle your mother is fine she's a strong women by tommorow she'll forget about what oak did to her." I tell Brielle and she stops crying.
"Daveed is it OK if I call you dad?" Brielle asks me and suddenly tears well in my eyes I've never had a daughter before.
"Daveed you OK I see you crying." Brielle says and I laugh.
"I just got dust in my eyes and yes you can call me dad Brielle." I tell Brielle and she smiles and hugs me.
"Well I'm going to go to bed goodnight Dad I love you." Brielle tells me and I go to Renee's room and see her up and looking at a picture of her and oak.
"Daveed how could he?" Renee asks me and I shrug.
"I don't know but don't worry about it he's gone now you have me." I tell Renee and she nods and falls asleep in my arms.

Awww I've always shipped Daveed and Renee anyways Brielles POV won't have the Pov thing when its her point of view that only happens with the other characters.

Adopted By Renee Elise Goldsberry Where stories live. Discover now