Chapter 39

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Renee's pov
Things were going better lately it was the first week of May which meant spring break for the girls and we've been having a lot of girls at our house this week.
Nicole's been staying we us for a while because Jasmine is due any day now to give birth and I'm pretty sure I wouldn't want to live in a house with a moody pregnant woman- but then again who am I to talk.
I was just as cranky because I was due next month and I just wanted to get this baby out of me.
The girls went off to the mall when I hear my phone ring and I awnser it to hear Jasmine breathing in and out.
"Renee my water just broke." She tells me and my eyes go wide.
"Is Anthony with you?" I ask.
"No he went with Lin somewhere can you just pick me up and drive me to the hospital." Jasmine asks me.
"Ok just do the same for me next month." I tell Jasmine laughing a little she laughs and then she hangs up the phone.
I know Pippa is taking a good nap upstairs but we both needed to be there to support our best friend who was giving birth.
"Pippa!" I yell and Pippa comes downstairs panicked.
"What's wrong did your water break let's go to the hospital." Pippa says and I shake my head. "No it's not me its Jasmine and we need to go pick her up and take her to the hospital." I say and Pippa puts on her shoes and we're at her house in about 10 minutes.
We tell Jasmine to lay in the backseat of the car and I make Pippa ride along with her but every few minutes or so I would hear Jasmine scream so loud.
"It's gonna be ok Jasmine you'll have this baby soon." Pippa says and Jasmine sits up a little bit.
"I want to have this baby now." Jasmine says. "This is all Anthony's fucking fault I swear we're not having another kid at all."
"How bad does this hurt anyway?" Pippa asks and Jasmine shrugs.
"I don't know think about when you're having bad cramps and I mean really bad multiply that by 20." Jasmine tells Pippa and she shudders.
"Ok let's stop talking about cramps and find a parking space in this damn hospital." I say and Jasmine screams once again and I wasn't really looking forward to going through this next month.
Anyways we get Jasmine inside the hospital and I ring the bell on the desk.
"How may I help you." The receptionist asks and I point to jazzy who is breathing in and out.
"Um our best friend is in labor." I explain and the receptionist grabs a nearby doctor and puts Jasmine In a wheelchair and they go into the delivery room.
Jasmine explains to the nurse that is handling the delivery that Pippa and I are her best friends and that they should stay in the delivery room with her.
"Renee go tell Anthony to bring his ass over here ahhhhh!" Jasmine screams and Jasmine coaches her to keep breathing and this will be all over soon.
"They better put me on some damn drugs to make this pain go away. Put me on some damn drugs!" Jasmine yells to the nurse and I walk out of the room and into the delivery room and text the hamsquad groupchat.

Renee: Guys Jasmine's in labor she's in the delivery room right now

Anthony: Omigod Omigod Omigod I'm going to be a dad IM NOT READY I CANT BREATHE

Renee: JFC Anthony calm down Jasmine wants you to come down so I guess Lin that means come with him

Lin: ok

Renee: Daveed I want you to go pick up Nicole, Bridgett, Theodosia and Brielle from the mall and drop Theodosia and Bridgett of at home and bring Nicole and Brielle to the hospital

Daveed: ok

Renee: text me when y'all are outside Pippa and I are in the delivery room helping Jasmine they say four guests can be in the delivery room so we need one more

Anthony: Lin I want Lin to be in the delivery room

Daveed: what about me

Anthony: we can tape the delivery and send it to you

Daveed: I'll pass

Renee: HEY get your asses in your cars and do your fucking job

Daveed: come on Renee's pregnancy hormones are starting up again

Renee: Daveed SHUTUP

I make my way back into the delivery room and Jasmine is screaming Pippa is holding her hand.
"Squeeze my hand if it hurts ok jazz." Pippa tells Jasmine and Jasmine nods.
Another scream comes out of Jasmine's mouth and she squeezes Pippa's hand hard and Pippa winces.
"Ow that fucking hurt." Pippa says and Jasmine breathes heavily.
"You don't even know what hurt is you bitch." Jasmine yells Pippa looks shocked but doesn't say anything.
I feel my phone buzz and I look at it and see that Lin and Anthony are here.
"Jasmine calm down your husband is here along with Lin." I say and Jasmine screams yet again.
"Fuck him it's his fault that he got me into this mess." Jasmine says and the door soon opens to see Lin and Anthony in scrubs.
"Anthony I am going to kill you!" Jasmine yells and Anthony sighs.
"Babe you can yell at me after this is over alright." Anthony says and the nurse comes into the room and checks jazzy.
"Who are you?" The nurse asks looking at Lin and Anthony.
"I'm Jasmine's husband and this is my best friend Lin." Anthony explains and the nurse nods
"Jasmine you're fully dilated so it's time to push." The nurse says and Jasmine flashes a faint smile.
"Good get this damn thing out of me." Jasmine yells and the nurse coaches Jasmine to push.
"Push!" The nurse yells Jasmine pushes and Anthony passes out.

Brielle's pov
"I can't believe my aunt just gave birth." Nicole says as we sit in the waiting room of the hospital.
"She broke my fucking hand." Pippa says and we look to mom.
"Well you're next." I say and mom rolls her eyes.
"Don't remind me." She says and a nurse comes to us.
"Jasmine is now allowing people to visit her only 2 people at a time." The nurse tells us and Nicole and I go inside and see Jasmine holding a small human being and Anthony and her smiling.
"Girls I'd like you to meet Maria Lillian Ramos." Jasmine says and Anthony smiles at us.
"Do you girls want to hold her?" Anthony asks and Nicole reaches her arms out to hold her.
"Welcome to the world Maria I'm your cousin Nicole and this is your cousin Brielle we're going to have a lot of fun and a lot of good times together." Nicole tells Maria and then passes her to me.
"Aww she's so tiny." I say and I smile facing her to the window. "That's the world honey and even though there's a bunch of hateful people in the world the world is a beautiful place and you'll do just fine in it." I tell Maria and then the cutest thing happens Maria smiles a little smile at me.
"We all do just fine in the world." I say touching Maria's little nose.

Yay jazzy gave birth next is Renee but that won't be until a few chapters later anyways thanks for everyone that reads this book.

Adopted By Renee Elise Goldsberry Where stories live. Discover now