Chapter 9

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I am soooo proud of the hamilton Chicago cast and the snaps were funny I love Arianna Asfar.

On Friday morning I told my friends all about Lin, Anthony's and I secret planned.
"I want to see Anthony propose to Jazzy." Theodosia tells me.
"Me too." Winnie and Olivia say.
I laugh.
"Ok ok you guys can." I tell them and they all squeal.
The Bell rings and me and Theodosia go to our homeroom.
Today there is a boy in the front of the class. He's wearing a white t-shirt, leather Jacket, jeans and some black sneakers.
"Class may you all say hi to Jackson Harper?" Ms.Hudson asks.
"Hi Jackson." Everyone says.
The boy has reddish brownish hair and in my opinion was sort of cute.
Jackson gives us all a small wave.
"Jackson I have chosen someone who is responsible to show you around the school." Ms.Hudson says.
Please don't let it be me please don't let it be me.
"Brielle you are in charge of showing Jackson around."
"Jackson you can sit next to Brielle too." Ms.Hudson says.
Just great I am so awkward when it comes talking to boys.
Jackson walks over to the seat next to me.
"Hello Brielle." Jackson says to me.
God he's even cuter up close.
"Hi Jackson." Hi say.
I look to Theodosia who is making kiss faces.
I guess Jackson notices because he taps me and points to her.
"What is she doing?" Jackson asks me.
I look at Theodosia and back at Jackson.
"Acting fucking stupid." I say and Jackson laughs.
Theodosia crosses her arms and pouts.
"Hey." She says but then pretends to be reading a book.
"Your funny." Jackson tells me and I smile.
"Glad you think so." I say to him.
"So when do you think you can show me around?" Jackson asks.
"Well I have my free period and lunch so if you want to go then its fine with me." I tell him.
"Ok then meet me in the lobby." Jackson tells me.
"Ok." I say and I take out my notebook and start to draw.
-----------------free period----------------
"So what do you want me to show you first?" I ask.
"I guess the library." He awnsers me.
We take the long walk to the library since it's on the 2nd floor.
"So why did you move here?" I ask.
Jacksons face softens and I now regret asking him that.
"My mom died." Jackson tells me. "She had cancer and people couldn't stop talking about it so my Dad got a new girlfriend and moved here." Jackson tells me and I immediately feel bad.
"I'm sorry." I awnser.
"It's ok." He tells me.
When we finally reach the library he looks around.
"Wow this is huge." He says and I laugh.
"This is my first week here but Theodosia showed me around so I know almost everywhere." I tell Jackson.
"Why did you transfer here?" Jackson asks.
I hesitate in front of him should I tell him or should I not. I mean he did tell me his tragedy.
"My foster family abused me and these kids from my old school were always so mean to me and they were about to beat me up at the Park and then Renee Elise Goldsberry adopted me and now I go here and am Renees daughter." I tell Jackson.
We sit down at a table and Jackson looks wide eyed.
"Looks like you been through some shit." Jackson tells me.
"Yea I have." I say.
"But you have a awesome life now. I would kill to see hamilton." Jackson tells me.
I start to think maybe I should invite Jackson to my get together later.
"Umm Jackson me and my friends are going to see hamilton later and I was wondering if you wanted to come?" I tell him.
Jackson's eyes immediately pop up.
"I would love to come." He tells me and we hug.
I immediately pull away and my heart starts to beat fast. I think I like Jackson.
"We're not going tonight Brielle it's just going to be You and Jackson." Theodosia tells us as we're walking to our house.
I just told them about Jackson coming and now they were coming to my house to do my hair and makeup.
"It may be a bummer not to see Anthony propose to Jasmine but I want to see Jackson and Brielle hook up." Winnie says and I smile.
"Exactly I can already imagine it 20 years later them with their first child." Olivia tells the group and I laugh.
"What would I do without you all?" I ask them.
"Rot and die." Theodosia asks and I laugh.
When I reach my house nobody is inside and they all raid my closet and dresser.
"Where this." Theodosia says handing me a strapless dark blue dress.
I grab it and go into my bathroom in my room to change.
When I come back Theodosia hands me a black beret she probably got from Renees room and Olivia has a pair of flats for me. Winnie immediately starts on my makeup and then they look at their work.
"Brielle you look awesome." Winnie tells me.
"Just like Renee." Olivia tells me.
"Stop lying." I joke with them.
Theodosia looks up from her phone and grabs her bookbag
"Cmon my mom is here she can drive Brielle to the theater and then drop you guys at home." Theodosia tells us and we all go into her car.
Brielle: text me when you are outside the theater
Jackson: ok
Brielle: you do know where its at right??????
Jackson: yesss now Brielle stop texting im not done getting ready

Getting ready was Jackson getting ready for me?
When i'm walking to Renee dressing room I knock into Pip and she falls on the ground.
"I'm so Sorry Pippa." I tell her and help her up.
"It's alright Brielle are you ok?" Pippa asks. "Why'd you change?"
"I'm kind of going on my first date." I tell Pippa.
"And your friends got your outfit out and your makeup done." Pippa says to me.
"Yup how did you know that?" I ask.
"Renee and Jazzy did the same thing when I told them I was going out with Steve." Pippa says.
The mention of Steve's name makes me cringe. He was going to break Pippas heart I knew he was.
"Brielle you look scared do you have something else you want to talk about?" Pippa asks me.
"N n no i'm fine." I say and Pippa nods and together we walk to the dressing rooms.

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