Chapter 18

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Renee's POV
It was Monday which Meant we didn't have a show and I felt like shit.
I was having nausea ever since I woke up this morning which is when Brielle went to school I threw up went back to sleep and then then when I woke up threw up again and ever since then I made frequent trips to the bathroom to just hurl.
Finally I had to call someone Jasmine and Anthony were probably doing something I definitely didn't want to call Lin and Pippa for all I know they could be fucking they've been so close thesee days.
Finally I ended up calling Jasmine and when she came she let me rest my head on hers.
"Renee when was the last time you had your period?" Jasmine asks me.
"What?" I ask suddenly confused why was Jasmine asking me that.
"You heard me when was the last time you got your period?" Jasmine asks me again.
"It was supposed to start last week but it never came." I tell Jasmine and then she nods.
"Renee you may have a bun in the oven." Jasmine tells me and I immediately look at my flat stomach.
"No no no no no no no." I say shaking my head. "I'm not pregnant I've had a late period before I could have it again."
"But Renee did you and Oak it?" Jasmine asks me and I cock an eyebrow.
"What's it?" I ask dumbfounded.
"You know get intimate." Jasmine says and I immediately nod.
"Yes we did it a few weeks ago Jasmine I'm scared." I tell Jasmine.
"Why Renee you already have Brielle you have tons of practice on being a mother." Jasmine tells me and I nod.
"I know its just what if I am pregnant I heard all about those childbirth stories and stuff I don't want that to happen to me." I confess to Jasmine tears welling in my eyes.
"Renee calm down I brought 2 pregnancy tests over and you can go into the bathroom and pee on them and then we'll see." Jasmine tells me and she hands me the pregnancy tests I pee on both and then we both wait a few minutes for the results finally we go and see and it said positive.
"I'm pregnant." I say aloud softly to myself. "I'm pregnant I'm pregnant." I say hugging Jasmine.
"Hey Renee there's a few things you should know." Jasmine says as we settle down. "1 your going to eat a lot and by a lot I mean a lot and don't laugh to hard or else you might pee yourself a little and they're going to be those days when you feel all fat and stuff even if you aren't showing."
I laugh Jasmine knew a lot about being pregnant.
"But hey at least we're preggo ladies together." Jasmine tells me and I nod she gets up and hugs me one more time.
"And Renee." Jasmine says. "Good luck."

Brielles POV
After school Mom takes me, Oak, Jasmine, Lin, Pippa, Daveed and Anthony and Groffsauce to the Ellen's stardust diner.
"Before I tell you all the surprise I just want to clarify that Jasmine knows the susprise." Mom tells everyone and the first response to that was:
"Damn." Daveed says and everyone laughs.
"Jazzy knows everything." Pippa says and mom shrugs.
"Well she was a huge part of the secret and I'll forever be thankful for that." Renee says looking at Jasmine and Jasmine smiles and hugs Renee.
When we order we realize mom is ordering the most.
"Chill out Renee I know your skinny but you don't need to put on that much weight." Daveed says and Renee gives him a death stare.
"Shutup." Renee says plainly and Daveed looks shocked in moms sudden attitude change.
When we get our food we realize the song The Schuyler sisters starts to play and everyone turns to our table as Mom, Pippa and Jasmine start to sing when the song is over they all get a standing ovation.
When the food comes we're all eating and when everyone is done mom clasps her hands.
"Ok I have an announcement to make." Mom says and everyone turns to her Jasmine is grinning.
"This afternoon thanks to the help of Jasmine I learned that I'm pregnant." Mom tells everyone and Pippa gasps.
"I have 2 preggo best friends yay I get to be the friend that tells you guys you aren't fat when your all bloated and stuff." Pippa says and everyone laughs.
"I can't beleive it." Oak says. "I'm going to be a father I might have a daughter or a son." Renee and him kiss and I smile.
I was going to have a little sister or brother I hug Renee and oak I was going to have a real family.

Without this authors note that was 809 words that's pretty short tbh but yay Renee and Jasmine are pregnant maybe Pippa will become pregnant we never know. 🤔🤔

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