Chapter 31

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That day at school I went to homeroom and spotted Nicole. Jackson and I sat with her when Kaelyn walks in a basket in her hands and a smile on her face.
The first thing I notice is her outfit didn't the girl know it was the beginning of January.
Kaelyn was wearing a lowcut sundress with her back out which barely even meets the dress code.
Kaelyn walks past us and looks at us.
"Looks like you have a new friend in the group welcome to Bailey loser." Kaelyn tells Nicole and I suddenly get angry.
"Hey Kaelyn why don't we cover up some nobody wants to see your boobs." I say and Kaelyn smirks.
"At least I have them." Kaelyn remarks back and I get up out my seat and walk towards her.
"Listen bitch-" I say but Jackson grabs me before I could do anything Kaelyn snickers then walks back.
"Jackson she makes me so mad." I say and Jackson puts his hand on his shoulder.
"Brielle why do you worry about her she's just doing it to get some remark from you." Jackson tells me and Theodosia walks into the class she's wearing a white shirt, purple sweater, black leggings and boots.
"Hello fellow classmates." Theodosia says she's already met Nicole so they don't have to introduce themselves to each other.
"You've just missed another episode of Brielle and the bitch." Jackson says and Theodosia sighs.
"You know what kick her ass she stole her best friend and all she wants is power I mean seriously leave us alone." Theodosia says and I shrug ms.hudson walks in.
"Hello boys in girls." She says in her normally cheery voice. "I hope everyone had a happy new year and a very merry Christmas." She tells us.
We all say we did and she clasps her hands and smiles.
"Why don't we share about them." Ms.hudson declares and we all nod.
Kaelyn tells us about how she went to her home in Florida Theodosia and I just roll our eyes. Olivia tells about how she went to California, I tell about my tickets to Broadway shows which my friends are still jealous about and before I know it it's time for our first class of the day.
I'm going out homeroom when I see Kaelyn say something Bridgett and Bridgett starts to run off and cry.
I run to the bathroom after her and see that she in the only stall that is locked.
"Bridgett Bridgett what happened?" I ask and I hear Bridgett sniffle.
"K Kaelyn she said that I'm going to hell my whole kind is going to hell because I'm gay and she said that I'm better off not on this planet and that's why Winnie left me for some boy and that she never was lesbian at all." Bridgett says and that was it that was the final straw.
"She said stuff about all of us she said Jackson didn't really like you and that your parents didn't really like you and that you were better off back into the foster system." Bridgett tells me and I feel tears slip down my eyes as well.
"She also said that all the boys at our school call me skinny bitch and anorexic hoe and think I'm some kind of freak because I like the same gender and and I left my old school because people would make fun of me and beat me up because of my sexuality and Winnie Winnie was the only one that understood me and now she's gone she's gone and she's never coming back." Bridgett tells me. "Ever since she left Brielle I've been crying myself to sleep Brielle I used to cut I've been trying to not start up again but with all the bullying its hard I'm a easy target I'm a skinny 13 year old that is lesbian." Bridgett sobs again and I wipe my tears Bridgett was going through more than what I was going through.
"Bridgett I'm calling my mom she's coming to pick us up you need to tell somebody about this." I tell Bridgett and Bridgett sniffles.
"No I don't want to tell an adult." Bridgett tells me and I put my back against the stall.
"Bridgett you can trust my mom she won't tell anybody." I tell Bridgett and she doesn't respond I just hear soft sobs.
I text my mother I was afraid of whats going to happen to Bridgett.

Mom Bridgett and I are in my room with a do not disturb sign on my door.
Bridgett told mom about the whole problem basically everything she told me today.
"Sweetie let me tell you you're kind is not going to hell. Groff is gay and to be honest he's a good man he's not going to hell. Just because Kaelyn told you that doesn't mean you have to believe it honey." Mom says stroking Bridgett's back.
"Kaelyn says a lot of things she shouldn't say and about that you need to tell a teacher that is considered bullying and that shouldn't happen to you." Mom says and tears are falling down Bridgett's cheeks.
"And about the self harm and crying yourself to sleep honey don't start self harming again it's good you stopped because once you start again it becomes a habit and addictive and you'll want to do it every single day." Mom tells Bridgett. "And Bridgett I'm skinny just like you is when I was younger I tried every single thing in the world to gain weight but my body wouldn't budge I learned that I'm a beautiful person and people make comments to make themselves feel good about themselves and honey don't stress yourself and cry yourself to sleep over that."
"Brielle you are not better off in the Foster system because you got 2 wonderful parents that love you right in this house." Mom says and I sit next to her.
"And Bridgett you're beautiful just the way you are." Mom tells Bridgett and Bridgett smiles.
"Thank you Renee." Bridgett says and she hugs mom tightly.
"Now do your parents know you're here?" Mom asks Bridgett and Bridgett nods.
"Well to lighten the mood we do have a wii in the living room who's up for some Mario kart." Mom says and I smile it was good to see Bridgett in a good mood again.
I see Bridgett walk out and I walk with mom.
"You're a awesome mom." I tell mom hugging her. "And I love you."
"I love you too awesome daughter." Mom says and we walk to the living room.

And here's another update next chapter is when Brielle goes to see the great comet so hope you guys will be happy about that.

Adopted By Renee Elise Goldsberry Where stories live. Discover now