Chapter 33

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Renee's pov

Jasmine: Renee?

Renee: Jasmine what the hell its 3 am in the morning

Jasmine: I know I'm just stressed you know I am getting married in a few hours

Renee: jazzy I know that and that's why you should be asleep

Jasmine: but Renee what if Anthony has second thoughts you know what if he says no and don't you think it's so fast to get married I mean we've only been engaged for six months

Renee: Jasmine it's not fast you guys wanted to be married before the baby came and I respect that some people get married a few weeks after they're engaged

Jasmine: Renee I'm just scared what if we weren't meant to be together what if our marriage doesn't work out


Jasmine: Renee thanks I'm going to leave you alone because I don't need a cranky woman at my wedding later on love you ❤️

Renee: love you too Mrs.Ramos

I'm actually happy I got Jasmine to sleep Daveed and I were getting married in December a few months after the baby will been born. We decided to wait a few to get married instead of just rushing to it.
I sat up and looked at a sleeping Daveed his side moves up and down as he sleeps and I smile he was so cute when he was asleep.
I lay back down on my back and close my eyes I mean a big day was tomorrow my best friend was getting married suddenly I felt my eyes getting droopy and I dozed off.
"Brielle get up." I say 7:00 am.
Brielle groans and rolls over.
"Mom it's Saturday it's no school can't I sleep in?" She asks half asleep.
I cross my arms.
"Ok unless you want to miss Jasmine's wedding today." I say and Brielle immediately shoots up.
Brielle runs to the bathroom to take a shower and I decide to make some breakfast after I hear my stomach growling at me.
In the kitchen I see Pippa drinking some coffee and Lin getting Sebastian in his high chair.
"Don't worry Lin Sebastian doesn't have to have cereal today he can have some pancakes." I tell Lin and Sebastian giggles.
"Yay pancakes thanks auntie Renee." Sebastian squeals and I smile.
"No problem." I say.
I put the pancakes on the griddle and sit them on a plate in the middle of the table Brielle comes out the shower and walks in along with Daveed and sits down and we all eat.
Brielle is eating fast and I think she wants her hair and makeup to be perfect and stuff for the wedding. She's starting to take interest in makeup and spend more time in the bathroom I think it's because she's turning 13 in a month and she is around that phase.
When Brielle is done eating she grabs me and has me fix her hair up nice for the wedding so she could get her dress on and then drive with me and Pippa to go pick up Bridgett, and Theodosia so that we could see Jasmine before the wedding. Jackson would be getting a ride to the wedding.
Brielle shoos me out her room once her hair is done and gets dressed and it's my turn to shower and everything once I'm done and my hair is nice for the wedding I look and see what Daveed is doing.
"Renee you look wow." Daveed tells me and I smile he was getting his shoes on.
He was going to be riding with Lin and Pippa so that they can go pick up oak, Leslie and Groff.
Finally Brielle is done getting dressed for what seems like forever and comes into our room.
"Knock knock." She says and she twirls around. "So how do I look?" She asks.
"Fine." Daveed awnsers and Brielle frowns.
"Dad I can't look fine I want to look wow." Brielle tells Daveed and Daveeds face gets serious "what the hell do you mean wow?" Daveed asks and I shoo him out the room Brielle sits next to me and sighs.
"Why can't I look like you?" Brielle asks and I laugh.
"It's not funny." Brielle says. "You have the bang and the pizazz and you know." Brielle says and I giggle a little bit.
"Brielle you're a very beautiful girl and that's why Jackson likes you and if you excuse me it is now 8:38 we need to go get you're friends and drive them to Jazzy's wedding." I tell Brielle and she smiles and we Hug I'm glad she's my daughter.

Brielle's pov
Theodosia had her long brown hair in a topknot and was wearing the same white dress as me. Me, Bridgett, Nicole and her were bridesmaids.
"So are you guys excited to help jazzy get ready for the wedding?" Mom asks and I nod.
Anthony was heading over to our house to get ready while we were going to Jasmine's.
When we get there we see Jasmine eating a bagel not even dressed yet that was ok though we still had until 11:00 that's when the wedding starts.
I grab my phone and my friends and I take a picture on Instagram and I caption it heading to Jasmine and Anthony's wedding!
A bunch of people start liking and commenting about how I'm so adorable like always or how janthony is their otp.
I was just waiting to see what Jackson was going to wear mom and I had to sing home from the wiz at Jazzy's wedding after everything was recited and stuff so I was a bit nervous for that and mom and I had been Practicing all night long.
After what seems a hour of waiting Jasmine and mom appear out of a room and Jasmine looks beautiful.
The makeup artist looks proud with her work and we step out of Jasmine's house and onto the front yard.
"Can you take a picture of us please?" Jasmine asks the makeup artist and she nods and we all huddle together and take the photo Jasmine smiles and we all get into moms car so that we could drive to the church.
"Are you excited jazzy?" I ask.
"Where's Nicole." Theodosia asks and Jasmine smiles.
"She decided to go with Anthony to the church already." Jasmine awnsers and soon enough we're at the church.
It's only 10:00 so mom and I have time to practice our song together which is good we go to the backroom where it is separated into two rooms one for the boys one for the girls I go into the girls room and see Nicole she squeals and we hug. Bridgett and Theodosia do the same.
I mean it's not like I haven't seen Nicole at all lately our parents are best friends and are in Hamilton together but we have just grown so closely lately it's just that I love her.
Mom and I practice our song and before we know it they're calling for jazzy and Anthony to be walking down the aisle.
The first person to walk down is Jazzy and Anthony and from the way he's looking at her it looks like he's scared and excited and nervous at the same time.
The next person to walk is Sebastian who is the ring bearer he's being lift up by Alysha and Alysha puts him down in his spot.
Next the maids of honors come and that's mom and Pippa and they look gorgeous they go and stand in their spot.
Now for the best man which is Lin and he goes to his spot and now us Bridgett, Nicole, Theodosia and I walk down nicely smiling at all the people that we know.
Then comes oak and he sprinkles the flowers on the floor and I laugh along with everyone else even mom is laughing and it's good to see that she forgave oak.
Finally it's time for the wedding vows.
"Do you Jasmine Cephas Jones take Anthony Ramos to be your lawfully wedded husband?" The reverend asks and Jasmine nods tears welling her eyes.
"I do." She says smiling from ear to ear.
"And do you Anthony Ramos take Jasmine Cephas Jones to be your lawfully wedded husband?" The reverend asks and Anthony smiles.
"I do." Anthony says and the reverend looks at Sebastian.
"May I see the rings son?" He asks and Sebastian nods.
"Here." Sebastian says as adorably as possible and hands the reverend both of the rings and the reverend slides them on Jazzy and Anthony's ring fingers.
"You may now kiss the bride." The preacher says and then they kiss and everyone starts cheering and clapping.
"Now Brielle and Renee Goldsberry will be singing home." The reverend says and mom and I grab the mics and start to sing the song and when we're done we get a standing ovation finally it's time to clear the church and go to the Richard Rodgers theater for a wedding party.

Alright I haven't been to a wedding for a long ass time and I know this is not how a wedding goes but I was too lazy to research it anyways here's the chapter you guys probably weren't waiting on but here ya go

Adopted By Renee Elise Goldsberry Where stories live. Discover now