Chapter 36

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Brielle's pov
Today was Monday the day I was going to see heathers.
I had to go to school because it was a Monday but school seemed a lot more easier today.
I throw on a gray sweatshirt and some leggings and wear my white sneakers and go to the kitchen mom is in there because she's always making breakfast nowadays.
I see Pippa come down the stairs with Sebastian dressed.
"Thank god we found Sebastian a day care maybe he can meet some new friends." Pippa says.
Today I'm not taking the bus since Jasmine has a doctors appointment she agreed to take Nicole and I to school and Sebastian to daycare and pick us up from school since she was going to see heathers with me and mom today.
"Here's ten dollars give it to Jasmine so that she can stop by McDonald's and get you guys something to eat." Mom says handing Pippa ten dollars.
"Mommy I don't want to go to daycare." Sebastian whines and Pippa sighs.
"Why not Sebastian?" She asks.
"Because nobody there will like me." Sebastian awnsers for a 3 year old he knew a lot.
"Sebastian you'll make tons of friends don't say that." Pippa says.
"I will?" Sebastian asks still unsure.
"You will." He awnsers.
Suddenly we hear the doorbell ring and I go awnser it, I open it and see Jasmine and Nicole at the door.
"Ready for tonight?" Jasmine asks and I nod.
"I'm more than ready." I say and Jasmine laughs.
"You're just like Lin." She tells me and we go into the kitchen.
"Good morning everyone." Jasmine says cheerfully as Nicole hugs mom and Pippa.
"Where's Daveed and Lin?" Jasmine asks.
"Asleep." Mom and Pippa say at the same time.
"Ahhh." Jasmine says.
"Alright let me go get Sebastian's car seat and Renee gave me $10.00 to give you so you could buy the kids something to eat." Pippa says and she goes To the car her and Lin use and go gets Sebastian's car seat and hands it to Nicole.
"Here's the money." Pippa says handing Jasmine a 10 dollar bill.
"It's sad that you guys work in Hamilton but you spend him all the time." I say and Pippa shakes her head and laughs.
"I'm going back to sleep see you guys later." Pippa says and she kisses Sebastian while I kiss mom.
"Love you." I say.
"Love you too please try to ignore Kaelyn." Mom tells me.
"I'll try." I say while walking out the door.
Once we get Sebastian in his car seat I sit in the middle and Nicole has the window seat since Anthony is in the car.
"Good morning Brielle Sebastian." Anthony says and I smile.
"Good morning ant." I say Sebastian says nothing.
"Whats wrong with him?" Anthony asks and I shake my head.
"It's his first day going to daycare and he's afraid nobody will like him." I tell Anthony and Anthony looks back at the 3 of us.
"Sebastian you are the most coolest person I ever met everybody at Hamilton likes to you I'm pretty sure the kids at daycare will too and maybe when you get picked up we can go out for icecream." Anthony says and Sebastian immediately perks up.
"Ok." He says and with that we start driving to school.
Nicole and I get dropped off first and we go inside to see Theodosia and she immediately gives me and Nicole a hug.
I was wrong about school being easier we had about 4 pop quizzes and in gym we had to run 10 laps.
When Jasmine came to pick us up Nicole and I both were tired.
"Ugh I'm dying." I say as Jasmine is driving.
"Join the club." Nicole says.
"But hey at least you're seeing heathers tonight." Jasmine tells me and I nod that was a upside of my night.
Jasmine drops off Nicole and we pick up Sebastian from daycare and we stop by McDonald's to get him so icecream because we did promise to get some icecream.
When I get home mom is dressed with dinner on the table so that Lin or anybody wouldn't want to cook and pretty soon we're off to see heathers.
When we get there a bunch of kids are waiting in line to get their tickets checked and when it's our turn to get our tickets checked it seems like it took forever but it really didn't. Lin got us awesome seats close to the stage.
Before the show starts they tell us to silence our phones and no bootlegging and that if they saw a phone they were taking it.
The show then starts and we hear Veronica say the first line that starts beautiful and the song starts.
I love how Veronica saves the Heathers from getting detention just so she can sit with them for a day but ends up becoming friends with the heathers for at least the other half of the song. I don't think the girls were that much of friends in candy store.
But then heather chandler dies and Heather duke takes over treating Heather McNamara the same way Heather chandler treated her like she wasn't apart of the group.
I realize that I really dislike Heather Duke in Shine a light Reprise I mean Heather Duke reminds me so much of Kaelyn she told Heather McNamara to kill herself saying that she didn't deserve to live like how when we had tryouts for rent she told me to kill myself.
I actually think that Heather McNamara is actually a smol bean and she is so cute when I stage door I'm definitely getting a picture with the heathers.
Pretty soon the end of the show is here and I look at mom who has her mouth open.
When we're walking out the theater mom looks at me.
"Hope you know some scenes in this play weren't appropriate for you." She tells me and I roll my eyes.
"Come on Ive seen worse." I tell mom and she laughs.
When it's time to stagedoor I take a picture with the heathers plus Veronica with my Polaroid camera I stuff the picture in my purse and mom, Jasmine and I take a cab back to our house me falling asleep on my mothers lap.

  Here's a update guys I'm so sick and I feel horrible so send prayers but I wanted to get this chapter to you guys have a very good morning ✌🏾️

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