Chapter 27

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Brielle's pov
Winter break officially started and right now Daveed and I are at the mall going shopping.
We promised mom to go baby shopping because she was going to start setting up the Angelica's room tonight and she needed some furniture and some paint.
So we go to baby's r us and buy a white crib for Angelica since her room theme is going to be white and pink and some diapers and some baby wipes we basically buy all the necessities and then we buy some baby monitors and we're out the store.
We didn't just come to the mall for baby stuff we were buying stuff for Christmas which was in a few days which is probably why the mall is jam packed.
I bought Daveed something he wanted this new video game and I got him a new shirt that says Oakland.
Suddenly we see pier 1 imports.
"Cmon Brielle lets go." Daveed tells me and I roll my eyes.
"Daveed you are a grown man A GROWN MAN you are old enough to go into pier 1 imports without gagging." I tell Daveed and I drag him inside.
I buy mom this Polaroid camera she was going to need it if her and Daveed were going to make a baby scrapbook.
Thank god this time we didn't have a little run in with Daveeds boss.
When we pay for the camera Daveed and I decide we should go get something to eat before leaving.
Daveed and I both get something from Taco Bell and sit down to eat it.
"Ok Brielle I have to talk to you about something." Daveed says and I take a bite of my taco mmm... Sour cream.
"What about?" I ask Daveed.
"So you obviously know about me and Renee's relationship." Daveed says and I nod.
"Yea." I say.
"Well Renee already adopted you so yesterday we signed the papers for me to adopt you as well." Daveed tells me and I internally scream as tears well in my eyes.
"So your my father?" I ask Daveed and he nods.
I give Daveed a hug and wipe my tears.
"Brielle I love you." Daveed tells me.
"I love you too dad." I say to Daveed of course the word felt different on my tongue but Daveed was my father and I am glad he is.

Renee's pov
Pippa and I are in the kitchen eating some food when we hear Daveed and Brielle rapping guns and ships.
I smile I guess Daveed told Brielle the news.
Brielle and Daveed come into the kitchen and sit down at the table.
"Where's Lin and Sebastian?" Brielle asks.
"They went to go get some more Christmas presents." I awnser.
"Daveed and Pippa go get the furniture from the car so we can start getting the baby's room done Brielle and I will start wrapping some presents." I order them and Brielle goes and gets the presents that her and Daveed got.
"You got Daveed that dumbass video game?" I ask Brielle and she nods.
"He literally gave me the best Christmas present ever so I'm going to give him a good Christmas present." Brielle tells me and she starts to wrap the present.
Brielle fishes through her bag and hands me a Polaroid camera and hands it to me.
"It's your early Christmas present I bought you something else but this is for taking those photos you want to put in that baby album." Brielle tells me and I smile and give her a hug I have such a wonderful daughter.
Daveed and Pippa come in with the furniture and paint and Brielle quickly hides the presents.
"I'm going to go put these in my room ok." Brielle says and she goes to her room.
Daveed immediately comes up to me.
"What did she get me?" He asks and I shake my head.
"Your not going to find out sorry." I tell Daveed and he kisses me.
"Can I find out now?" He asks and I shake my head.
"No." I awnser.
We go into the room that was going to be Angelica's and Daveed gets a bucket of paint.
"Let's start painting," He tells Pippa and I and we all grab one of those brush things and start painting the room.
Later on after we were all showered and had our pajamas on Lin and Pippa went to go put Sebastian to sleep and they were going to sleep themselves.
"Dad move out the way." I hear Brielle say while laughing.
I peep into the living room and see Daveed and Brielle playing Mario kart I laugh Brielle throws a shell at Daveed causing her to take the lead she finally makes it to the finish line making her the first place winner.
"That was a good run now shall we eat some cookies and watch YouTube." Daveed asks Brielle and Brielle nods.
"But let's do it in my room in the closet come on dad." Brielle says walking to her room I stop Daveed in the hallway.
"You are one awesome dad Daveed." I tell Daveed and he smiles.
"I know I am." He says and he kisses me.
"Go to sleep you need the rest I'll be in bed in like an hour Brielle falls asleep fast." Daveed tells me kissing me again.
"Ok." I say and I walk to my room.

Alright alright I know I say this all the time but I'll actually try to publish to chapters  for you guys considering it's Friday

Adopted By Renee Elise Goldsberry Where stories live. Discover now