Chapter 30

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I'm in the living room watching cartoons when Dad and Lin walk in the living room with pajama pants on and heavy coats.
"Get your ass up Brielle we're having a family snowball fight." Dad tells me and I get up.
"You guys are wearing pajama pants and jackets you seriously can't be going outside in that." I say laughing as I sit down and continue to watch phineas and ferb.
Dad grabs the remote and starts to hold it up as I attempt to reach for it.
"You can finish watching cartoons once you do this with us." Lin says and I sigh and roll my eyes.
I already had my pajama pants on I put on my light blue coat and walked outside to see Mom and Pippa on a team together.
"Can I join you ladies?" I ask and mom nods.
Dad and Lin come out Sebastian in Lin's arms.
"Going to be hard to win when you have a pregnant lady on your team." Dad says pretending to taunt mom. Moms licks her lips and throws a snowball and it hits dads face Lin starts to laugh then stops when he sees dads face.
"Listen Renee that was uncalled for." Dad says mom smirks.
"Your uncalled for!" Mom yells and Pippa hands her a snowball and mom hurls it at dad.
Lin rolls up a snowball and hands it to Sebastian and he walks past the fort onto ours and smushes' it in my face.
My face turns red and mom immediately hands me 3 snowballs and I hurl it at Dad, Lin and Sebastian.
Sebastian laughs when the snowball hits him.
I smirk evilly.
"Hey Sebastian you want to be on my team?" I ask and dad and Lin look at each other.
"No you don't Sebastian we are the champs." Lin says and Sebastian laughs.
"I'm going with Brielle." Sebastian says and we walk to our fort halfway through I stick out my tongue to Lin and dad.
After 2 hours of playing snowball fight I guess everyone was tired and freezing so we went inside.
Dad went to go take a hot shower and Pippa took Sebastian to go change into some warm clothes.
I just changed into my purple pajama pants and sat at the kitchen table with mom and watch her make hot chocolate.
"Pretty soon Angelica is going to be able to do all that." I say and mom sits down and looks at her stomach which was growing.
"Yeah she is." Mom says.
"So are you excited about Anthony and Jasmine's wedding it is in a month." Mom asks and I nod.
Anthony and Jasmine deserved to be together like mom and dad deserved to be together.
Finally the hot chocolate is made and the whole family goes into the living room to watch cartoons and drink some hot chocolate.
I'm glad I have the family I have.

The near morning my alarm clock rang loudly only suspecting one thing it was time for school which meant break was over.
I would normally call Winnie but she moved away and California has different time zones than New York.
I go to the kitchen and see mom is up making breakfast and that dad is grabbing fruits to make a smoothie.
Normally Lin and Pippa would have been up but their busy people they need their rest.
"Good morning." I say groggily rubbing my eyes.
Mom looks at me sympathetically.
"It's Thursday Brielle you don't even have a week in school." She tells me and I sigh.
"I know but still I am extremely tired." I say and mom comes up to me and rubs my back.
"If you survive this day I'll buy a whole pizza just for you to eat." Mom tells me and I smile suddenly motivated to get dressed.
I take a quick shower, brush my teeth then get my clothes on. I find my blue fuzzy sweater and some dark jeans and I wear my boots with them. I pull my hair back with a small blue headband.
When I go into the kitchen Lin and Pippa are up but Sebastian is sleep Sebastian is lucky he doesn't start school until this September so he better enjoy staying home now.
For breakfast mom made some pancakes and eggs (my favorite) and dad hands me his fruit smoothie and I start to drink it.
"Are you ready to go back to school." Pippa asks and I sigh.
"Are you ready to do 2 shows a week?" I ask Pippa and she says nothing.
"So Jazzy's wedding who's excited about that." Lin says and mom eyes light up she's the made of honor along with Pippa and Lin's the best man.
Nicole and I are bridesmaids and oak is the fucking flower girl.
"Well it's in a month on Valentine's Day so be ready for it." Pippa says and I look at the time.
"I got to get going to he bus breakfast was good mom and dad fruit smoothie was 10/10." I say as I kiss my parents I wave to Pippa and Lin and head to the bus stop.
Jackson is there along with Bridgett.
"It feels kind of weird to not be hear with Winnie." Jackson says and I nod.
Bridgett looks like she is about to cry.
"I miss her so damn much why'd she half to go leave me." Bridgett says and I rub her back.
"Bridgett summers in a few months and there's April break we can always visit Winnie then I bet Winnie misses us too but she's got it harder than us she has to adjust to a new state a new house and a new school." I tell Bridgett.
"And that's really hard." Jackson adds.
Bridgett wipes her tears.
"I'm sorry I'm just being self centered." Bridgett says and I shake my head.
"No you're not if Jackson left to live in Virginia then I would be the same way." I say and Bridgett looks at the ground tears falling down her cheeks onto the pavement.
"Bridgett everything is going to be fine we can always FaceTime Bridgett matter of fact why don't we do a group skype call." I tell Bridgett and she looks up and wipes her tears.
"That way you could see Winnie face to face." I say.
"And kiss each other through the screen." Jackson adds and Bridgett laughs.
"Shutup Jackson." Bridgett says laughing and we all laugh as she playfully punches him the bus comes and we all step inside Bridgett a lot happier now maybe today wouldn't be so bad.

Adopted By Renee Elise Goldsberry Where stories live. Discover now