Chapter 29

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Last night Jasmine picked up Nicole and Andrew and since Andrew was too scared to sleep alone at his house he slept at Jasmine's.
The next morning I went upstairs and got saw Sebastian up playing with his toys in the small bed he has.
"Merry Christmas Sebastian." I tell Sebastian as I pick him up and we go into Lin and Pippa's room they are soundly asleep I put Sebastian on the bed and he starts jumping up and down.
"Wake up wake up its chwistmas." He says and Lin and Pippa slowly jump up and down I go downstairs to moms and dads room and do the same.
"Hey hey hey it's Christmas wake up and smell the jolliness in the air." I say and Dad and mom slowly get up I run to the living room and look at the plate of cookies eaten without any crumbs left.
"mom!" I yell and she comes into the living room.
"Stop acting like your Santa because one day Sebastian is going to find out you did this." I tell mom and she puts her hand on her hips.
"How?" She asks.
"Only dad would get a pregnant lady to eat some cookies and act like Santa for Christmas." I say to mom and I point to the note she wrote and starts to laugh. "You even wrote a note."
"What's so funny?" Pippa asks Sebastian in her arms with Dad and Lin trailing behind her.
"Nothing." Mom and I say at the same time we all sit down next to the Christmas tree and mom grabs the first present and reads it.
"From Lin to Sebastian here sebby." Mom says and she hands Sebastian his present.
Sebastian tears the presents open and it reveals some train tracks with the chuggington characters.
Sebastian squeals and hugs Lin.
"Thanks daddy." Sebastian says and Lin beams.
"We can set it up later." Lin tells Sebastian and mom grabs another present and it's the gift with Daveeds video game in it.
"To Daveed from Brielle." Mom reads and she hands the present to dad and when dad opens it he squeals.
"Lin Brielle got the video game for us." Dad says and Lin looks at the video game and starts to dance.
"Thankyou Brielle." Lin says to me and I smile.
Mom picks up the next present and starts to read it.
"From Pippa to Renee." Mom reads and she opens it and it is a small box with a locket inside of it inside is the picture of mom when she went to her first doctors appointment on the other side it says I'm a mom.
Tears well in moms eyes and she hugs Pippa.
"Thanks pip." Mom says and Pippa smiles.
"No problem." Pippa says. "I made one for jasmine too." Pippa says and mom hugs her again.
We open a few more presents I got a lot of Broadway merchandise and a Hamilton phone case and I got a Polaroid camera of my own and a scrapbook.
Finally mom reaches for the last present.
"These are for you Brielle." Mom says and the present is a small black gift bag and I open it.
Inside are 2 tickets to great comet, 3 tickets for heathers, and 3 tickets for dear Evan Hansen.
I would be lying if I said I didn't scream I gave everyone in the room a hug.
"Pippa will go with you to great comet, jasmine, and I will take you to go see heathers and Lin and Daveed will take you to dear Evan Hansen." Mom tells me and I squeal.
I was going to see great comet at the end of January, heathers on my birthday and dear Evan Hansen at the end of year.
I couldn't wait.

I'm Bridgett, Nicole, Winnie and Theodosia at my house for a sleepover and I told them about my presents.
Bridgett got a new phone she needed it since her other one was cracked really badly.
I introduced all my friends to Nicole and they bonded with her pretty quickly.
I told my friends about my tickets to go see shows on Broadway and they were just as excited as me maybe one day we could all go see Hamilton together as a group of friends.
Right now we were talking about the things that were happening when school started up again when we realized Winnie was being awfully quiet.
"What's wrong?" I ask Winnie and a tear falls down her cheek.
"I I'm moving." Winnie tells us and Bridgett looks the most shocked and she hugs Winnie tightly.
"what the hell you can't be moving where?" Bridgett asks and Winnie puts a hand on her chest and breathes in and out.
"I'm moving to California my dad got a new job out there and he's making the whole family move." Winnie says and Bridgett and her start to cry together.
"When are you moving?" Theodosia asks.
"The day after New Years." Winnie says and we all are shocked by that.
"That's in a week Winnie." I say and Winnie nods tears falling down her cheeks.
"I know I know but promise me we are all going to keep in touch even you Nicole." Winnie says and she moves closer to Nicole. "I might only know you for a week but we still are friends and friends keep in touch."
Winnie turns to Bridgett who is crying softly in a corner.
"And Bridgett." Winnie says and she grabs Bridgett's face and she kisses her Theodosia and I smile.
"We better FaceTime and text every night same for all of you." Winnie says and we all go in for a group hug.
The room was silent the only thing you could hear was the soft crying coming from us we were going to miss Winnie.
If only Olivia knew what was going on.

Here is the long awaited update that you guys been waiting for. I'm sorry I haven't been updating like I should have I have rehearsal for my school musical and I had state testing but still at least you have this chapter.
I'll probably update again tomorrow bye ✌🏾️❤️

Adopted By Renee Elise Goldsberry Where stories live. Discover now