Chapter 38

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Brielle's pov
"Kaelyn just threw up!" Gianna yells and Jackson and I look at each other. This was definitely not going well.
Let me tell you  what was going on the performance for rent finally came and Kaelyn literally was freaking out along lets just say she wasn't the only one.
"Omg where." Theodosia says running back. "Did it get on her costume?" Theodosia asks Gianna and Gianna shakes her head.
"No." Gianna awnsers.
I suddenly grab Kaelyns hand I drag her to the bathroom and hand her a brown paper bag I made sure to pack one because at least one kid was going to throw up.
"Here breathe in and out out of this." I order Kaelyn and she grabs the bag and starts to breathe in and out.
"Listen Kaelyn the school year ends in June it's the end of April and even though we hated each other since the first day of school and probably still will after today but just calm down everyone is stressed about performing." I tell Kaelyn and I place my hand on my heart.
"Kaelyn look into the mirror you are going to kill it as Joanne ok because you have a awesome voice and when you lift your voice and sing your solo in seasons of love everyone is going to give you a standing ovation and ask compliment you for days." I say and even though it pains me to tell her that but that's what the girl wanted to hear.
Kaelyn throws the paper bag on the floor and looks in the mirror and flips her hair.
"You're right they love me." Kaelyn says and I laugh.
"Thanks Brielle." Kaelyn says and she gives  me a hug then her face goes back to the ew it's Brielle face. "Don't think this makesme your friend though." Kaelyn says and I roll my eyes.
"I know." I say and she walks out the bathroom. I look in the mirror and fix my bun and walk out the bathroom.
"5 minutes until showtime!" Theodosia yells and Jackson holds my hand.
"Ready to do this Mimi?" He asks and I nod.
"Only if you ."are roger." I awnser and the show starts and its the first song I look into the audienceand see oak, dad , Jasmine, Nicole, mom, Pippa, Anthony, Lin, Sebastian  and Winnie.
I smile and suddenly light my candle is on and it's kinda dark onstage and I'm holding a candle.
"Would you light my candle." I sing getting closer to Jackson and as the light goes out I sing: "oh wht you do to my candle." I sing and soon the song is over and before I know it out tonight is on and I act like I'm in Broadway singing this song in front of millions of people.
"Let's go out tonight ow ow ow ow ooh." I sing shaking my hair around and doing a little dance.
Before I know it we're singing the last song of act one and its intermission I'm getting some water when I see Kaelyn.
"Uh Kaelyn you did good in seasons of love." I say and Kaelyn smiles.
"You did good too Brielle." Kaelyn tells me then she narrows her eyes. "Why are you being so nice to me Goldsberry?" She asks.
"Because it's show night and I'm in a good mood and sometimes we gotta be nice to the people we hate." I say and Kaelyn smiles and walks away.
"Alright guys we have 20 minutes until showtime." Theodosia says and I grab my costume for act 2 and go change and go do my bun over and reapply my makeup.
When I go back the people that are in the opening scene of act 2 are in the wings and it starts.
I love practicing the happy new year scene because everyone that's in the scene is just having a good time.
Before I know it it's take me or leave me and Jackson and I are just watching Gianna and Kaelyn sing their song before it's without you and whenever I watch the rent movie with mom I always cry at this part because this is the part where angel dies.
That isn't the only reason why without you makes me so sentimental I sang this song for my audition to get into rent when I thought I wasn't so I made sure to kill this song and now it's the part where angel dies and goodbye love starts.
"We used to have this fight each night she always forget I existed." Kaelyn sings. I walk to her Side.
"He was the same he was always run away hit the road don't commit you're full of shit." I sing.
Suddenly its the goodbye love part and I make myself cry on the spot mom told me to think of sad things whenever I wanted to make myself cry to I just thought of when I lived with the spears.
"Goodbye love goodbye love just came to say goodbye love hello disease." I say trying to kiss Jackson but he pushes me away and I run offstage.
Now it's the part where mark is talking to roger about not leaving and the boy who plays mark puts so much emotion into this song.
Finally it's almost the end of the play where I almost die and it's the part when my hand slips from jacksons grasp.
"Mimi." Jacksons says and I count to 10 in my head and suddenly get up breathing heavily.
I say my lines about how I met angel and how he tells me to go back and be with mark, roger, Joanne and Maureen and how it's not my time to go.
We all sing some of another day and then the show ends and it's time for the bow we go in character by character well for the main characters we do.
when I walk onstage I hear mom yelling: "that's my baby that's my baby!"
I laugh and I see Winnie.
"Winnie what are you doing here?" I ask and Winnie smiles. "It's spring break for me so I decided to spend it up here." Winnie tells me and I give her a huge hug that's when I see nicole.
"You did awesome bri." Nicole tells me and I hug her too.
"Was that Brielle singing up there or was it someone else." Jasmine says to me and I giggle.
"It was me." I say and mom and dad smother me in a hug.
"You did good honey." Mom tells me and dad nods.
"If I ever see you wear a dress this short again your ass is grass." Dad says and I laugh but blush a little.
"Dad." I say and I feel somebody grab my face and kiss me.
"Thanks for being my Mimi." Jackson says to me and I smile.
"Thanks for being my roger." I say and we hug.
"Text me tonight." Jackson tells me and I nod.
"Brielle we need to talk." Dad tells me and I laugh.
"Um If we want to go home I need to go change." I say walking away.
"Brielle!" Dad calls after me.
I keep walking a smile growing from ear to ear.
1 show down 2 more to go.

Adopted By Renee Elise Goldsberry Where stories live. Discover now