Chapter 24

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Things haven't gotten better since me and Olivia's fight she's been ignoring us and making snide comments behind my back. I told mom and she told me to ignore Mom and Daveed have gotten really closer and mom forgave oak for what he did.
It's near thanksgiving time and we're having it at our house because it's the biggest.
At our school rent is going good Ms.staggers told us that our costumes would be done I'm about a week so we can start doing dress rehearsals.
It's Thursday night and Lin and Daveed went to go get takeout ever since mom announced her pregnancy she's been having weird cravings for Chinese.
"Renee you can't just eat Chinese food all the time." Daveed told mom the other night and mom rolled her eyes.
"Yes I can I can eat whatever I want." Mom told dad and then out of nowhere she started crying Daveed said it was something about her pregnancy hormones and that's why tonight him and Lin agreed to get takeout.
When we all get the food we sit at the kitchen table Sebastian is trying to use chopsticks because he says forks and spoons are for animals.
Mom looks grabs the takeout food bag digs through it and then starts crying Daveed sighs and rushes to her side.
"What's wrong honey." Daveed asks her and mom looks into the bag and starts starts crying all over again.
"They didn't pack any soy sauce." Mom sobs and everyone is silent when Jasmine is pregnant she eats a lot when mom is pregnant she cries a lot.
"Renee there's some soy sauce in cabinet." Daveed says grabbing moms hand and mom starts shaking her head.
"No no it's not the same as the ones in the little packets." Mom sobs and she pushes her plate away. "I don't wanna eat this anymore." Mom declares and Pippa gives her a sympathetic look.
"What are you going to eat Renee?" Pippa asks and mom goes to the fridge and get ice-cream out of it and a spoon and sits down at the table and opens it up and starts to eat from it.
"This is what I'm going to eat and if you have a problem say it to me now." Mom tells us and everyone is silent suddenly Sebastian starts crying.
"I wanna eat ice cream too." He says and Lin shakes his head.
"No you can't." Lin tells him and Sebastian pouts and points to mom.
"But auntie Renee gets to eat it she eats it when it's late at night when she thinks nobody can hear her but me and Brielle are up so we hear her sneaking her snacks around." Sebastian says and me and him start to laugh.
"That's not true I don't sneak snacks around at night." Mom protests and I roll my eyes.
"Really last Friday when Bridgett, Winnie and Theodosia slept over we saw you sneaking in your room with cookies in your bra." I say and everyone starts to laugh and mom does too.
"You don't understand your not pregnant." Mom tells me and I roll my eyes even though my mom can be a moody psychopath at times I love her.

When thanksgiving day rolls around mom is in the kitchen cooking all day Jasmine and Anthony made pumpkin pie and apple pie and brought it over and mom made me clean my room because it apparently was a mess tonight I'm meeting moms parents so I'm kind of nervous.
When I'm done cleaning my room mom orders me and Pippa to go to whole foods to get some Chicken fingers, cranberry sauce, bread and some juice for dinner when we get there guess who we bump into Olivia and her mother.
"Brielle what a pleasant surprise." Olivia's mom says to me and Olivia and I are just silent Olivia and Pippa introduce themselves to each other and start to talk.
"You guys aren't doing anything for thanksgiving why don't you come over to our house we're having a huge dinner and other girls Olivia's age will be there." Pippa tells Olivia's mom and I glare at Pippa.
"That would be great what time should we be over there?" Olivia's mom asks.
"7 is fine." Pippa awnsers and Olivia sucks her teeth.
"Mom why can't I just go to the mall like Kaelyn asked me too I don't want to go to this losers house." Olivia says and I walk towards Olivia but Pippa holds me back and Olivia's mom rolls her eyes.
"We'll be there we both will be there." Olivia's mom says and they go off into another aisle.
"Pippa I can't believe you did that what the hell is wrong with you?" I ask and Pippa sighs.
"Brielle kill her with kindness." Pippa tells me and I sigh as we go to the checkout line.
That night Bridgett, Theodosia, Jackson and Winnie and I are in Daveed's and moms room playing grand theft auto Jackson just crashed his car into the water when we hear the doorbell ring.
We all go and awnser it when we see Olivia standing there mom rushes to the door I already met moms parents they're really nice Renee's mom Claire promised to take me shopping tomorrow since it's Black Friday.
"Oh hello Olivia and hello Katie." Mom says as her and Olivia's mom hug me and Olivia are giving each other death stares.
"Brielle what are you guys doing?" Mom asks me and I point to there bedroom.
"Playing grand theft auto in your bedroom." I awnser and Katie's eyes light up.
"That seems like fun wouldn't you like to do that Olivia?" Katie asks her daughter and Olivia whips out her phone and starts to text.
"No." She awnsers and then she follows us into Renee's room.
We're inside my parents room playing grand theft auto when Jackson shoots this old lady I start to laugh really hard and then Bridgett looks at Jackson and then smacks him Winnie laughs and gives Bridgett a small kiss.
"Ew." We hear Olivia mutter from the corner of the room.
"Who asked you?" Bridgett asks Olivia sarcastically and Olivia rolls her eyes and his back to her phone a few minutes later mom comes inside and tells us it's time to eat. Mom has this reddish burgundy dress on and it shows her small baby bump she has.
Olivia gets up first then the rest of my friends I stay behind with mom and she sits next to me.
"Brielle I know you don't want Olivia to be here but try to be cordial with her." Mom tells me and I nod.
"Ok." I say to mom and we go into the dining room where everyone is at and mom sits next to Daveed.
"I don't know what y'all waiting for eat!" Jasmine yells and we all laugh and then start to eat Olivia wasn't going to ruin my thanksgiving with my family.

Lmao I finally did the thing called updating I might update Hamilton high tonight maybe you guys can help give me a scenario in the comments that should happen in Hamilton high also thanks for 4K reads you guys are awesome might publish another chapter of this book later.

Adopted By Renee Elise Goldsberry Where stories live. Discover now