Chapter 42

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Renees pov
After that roadtrip Brielle and I got really close.
It was a hot day in June and Brielle and I just got back from the mall and she was putting all the new summer clothes she got in her closet when I felt myself being wet and a excruciating pain started hitting me.
I stop in my tracks and realize what just happened to me my water just broke. I couldn't take it anymore the pain was getting so hard to handle so I scream.
Brielle runs into the living room where I was sitting on the couch and looks at me.
"Omg mom what's wrong?" She asks and I close my eyes really tight.
"My water just broke." I say and Brielle's eyes go wide and I'm pretty sure she's not sure what to do.
"Alright I'll text everyone to tell them that you're in labor then we're hauling ass to the hospital." Brielle says and normally I would've told her to watch her mouth but I was in so much pain I just couldn't do it.
10 minutes later Pippa runs into the house along with Daveed and they both lift me up.
"Are you ok babe?" Daveed asks and I get the strength to punch him in the arm.
"Ow that hurt!" Daveed yells and I roll my eyes.
"You don't even know what hurt is." I tell Daveed and Pippa holds my hand and we walk to the car they lay me down in the backseat with Brielle and Pippa drives to the hospital while Daveed is in the passengers seat.
"Drive me to the damn hospital right Ahhhh!" I scream as another contraction hits me. "I swear Daveed this is all your fault why didn't you buy protection you asshole." I yell and Daveed turns around.
"It's going to be alright sweetie." Daveed tells me and another contraction hits me making me scream and Pippa starts to speed up in order to get to the hospital faster.
"My name is Renee not sweetie not honey RENEE!" I yell and Daveed sighs and turns around.
When we get to the hospital Pippa and Daveed explain to them that I'm in labor and the receptionist gets me in a wheelchair calls me a nurse and I am driven to a room.
They put me in a hospital gown and Pippa looks at her phone and then at me.
"Jasmine is on her way." Pippa tells me and I feel another contraction and scream and then look at Daveed.
"We are not having another one of these do you hear me bitch?!" I yell and Daveed grabs my hand and I squeeze it hard.
Daveed makes a face like he's in pain but I ignore it 20 minutes later Jasmine is in some scrubs and is in the delivery room.
Since both  my parents died I decide to let Sharon Pippa's mom be in the delivery with me since Sharon is like my own mother.
So while we wait all my friends and my fiancé try to calm me down and talk to me.
"Take deep breaths that what got me through this last month." Jasmine tells me and I take a deep breath and it somewhat does work.
Sharon soon comes in her scrubs and Runs up to me.
"Are you ok Renee how are you feeling are you feeling faint?" Sharon asks me and I shake my head.
"Just a little ahhh!" I scream and the nurse comes in and goes under the sheet and looks at me.
"Ms.Goldsberry you are fully dilated looks like we have to start pushing." The nurse tells me and I motion for Daveed to come next to me and I grab his hand.
"Alright push." The nurse coaches and I push my hardest.
The nurse coaches me to push again and I do and I push again 3 more times before the nurse yells: I see a head you're going to push really hard now." The nurse says and I push my hardest then I hear crying and the nurse hands me a little girl with caramel skin and tearss fall down my cheeks.
Daveed looks he at me and smiles.
"Was that so wbad?" He asks and I laugh.
"Yes but now that she's here I feel much better." I say and the nurse looks at the baby.
"What's her name?" The nurse asks and I stroke my baby's face.
"Angelica Madison Diggs." I tell the nurse and she cuts the babies cord and then smiles.
"That's a pretty name." The nurse says and everyone leaves the room except Daveed and we both look at Angelica.
"She's so pretty." Daveed says and Daveed grabs Angelica's hand her little hand curls on Daveeds finger. A few tears slip down Renee's cheeks.
"I can't believe I'm a dad." Daveed tells me and I smile.
"Pretty soon you're going to be a husband." I tell Daveed and I smile our wedding was coming up in august and I couldn't wait to be a wife.
"Do you want to hold her?" I ask Daveed and he smiles and nods.
He holds Angelica and rocks her back and forth.
"Hi Angelica I'm your dad and if you have any problems come to me but make it dad appropriate and boy problems go to your mom." Daveed says and I giggle somebody knocks on the door and it opens to reveal Brielle.
"Omigod is that my baby sister." She asks and I nod.
Brielle runs up next to Daveed and looks at Angelica.
"Do you wants to hold her?" Daveed asks and Brielle nods grabbing Angelica enthusiastically.
"Hi Angie I'm your big sister and you'll have loads of fun with me." Brielle tells Angelica and the cutest my thing happens Angelica smiles at Brielle.
I feel a bunch of tears fall down my cheeks and I see Brielle do the same as she kisses Angelica on her cheek.
"You need to talk to me you can always because that's what bug sisters are for." Brielle tells Angelica and she hands Angelica back to me.
A few more visitors come in to see Angelica and then the nurse takes her and takes her to the room where all the babies go too.
I have to stay at the hospital for 3 days until I can bring Angelica home and I am just so happy. I was going to be able to go back to Hamilton in October and I had a loving family and a 2 beautiful daughters what more could I ask more?

Renee finally gave birth. Anyways there is going to be a chapter about their wedding in this book.

Adopted By Renee Elise Goldsberry Where stories live. Discover now