chapter 13

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So I accidently deleted the chapters before copying them and I forgot what they said so im just rewriting the chapters but making them better.

"And we're done." Pippa says as
we face Renee in front of the mirror.
Lin didn't think pippa would perform all that good with Steve on her mind so he gave her the rest of the week off.
Renee gasps when she sees herself in the mirror.
"What did you guys do to me?" She asks stunned.
Pippa and I look at each other.
"You don't like it?" Pippa asks Renee and Renee smiles.
"No no you guys did a good job." Renee tells us and she gives both of us a hug.
"I love you guys so much." Renee tells us and we smile.
"I love you too Renee." Pippa says to Renee.
"I love you too mom." I tell Renee.
The door rings and Renee suddenly gets frantic.
"Its him I'm not ready." Renee says holding her heart. "Omigod I can't breathe I can't breathe."
A bunch of laughter comes from my mouth I never saw Renee like this before.
"Renee calm down Brielle go awnser the door." Pippa orders and I do as told when I open the door oak is behind it wearing a suit.
"Hello brielle." Oak says to me giving me a small hug.
"Hey oak you can go sit down on the couch do you want something to drink?" I ask oak and he shakes his head.
"No thanks." He tells me.
I nod.
"I'll go get renee." I tell oak and this time he nods.
I go into the room and I see renee is taking deep breaths.
"Mom your date is sitting in the living room I think you might want to go accompany him." I tell Renee and she nods.
Pippa and I follow Renee out into the living room and oak stands up.
"Hey Renee." He tells Renee and he gives Renee a little Peck on the lips.
"You look wow." He says and Renee blushes.
"Thanks you don't look so bad yourself." Renee says.
I pull oak aside and whisper in his ear.
"If you make my mother cry I will kick your ass so bad." I tell oak and he nods.
"Brielle I will never hurt your mother I love her." Oak tells me and I smile. They were going to be a good couple.
When oak and Renee leave Pippa and I flop on the couch.
"What do you to do?" Pippa asks me and I have to think. Pippa and I haven't really done things together like that.
"Can we go to the coffee shop to get something to eat?" I ask Pippa and she nods.
"Let me just go and get my keys." Pippa tells me and when she gets her purse and her keys we go into the car to the coffee shop.
The coffee shop is right near the theater which is why many of the cast members go there between shows to get a bite to eat.
When we get there I order my usual ice coffee with Turkey sand which and cheese brocoli soup while Pippa orders a hot chocolate and a sandwhich.
We weren't even eating for 10 minutes when something bad had to happen.
Steve came through the door with Savannah holding her hand and they were smiling.
When they see Pippa Savannah clutches Steve's hand harder and kisses him on the lips for the longest time.
I see a tear fall down Pippa's cheek and into her lap. Then she runs out of the coffee crying.
I see Savannah laughing and Steve looking guilty and ashamed of savannahs behavior.
I just look at the couple and roll my eyes.
Steve better be happy with Savannah because he chose her over Pippa.
I follow Pippa outside and see her on the sidewalk crying.
"I am never leaving the house again." Pippa tells me as she lays her head on my lap.
"First of all Pippa you can't let Savannah get to you she's just a girl who just wants you under your control and wants you jealous for Steve." I tell Pippa and she lifts her head up.
"But brielle what If I run into Steve again I'm bound too." Pippa tells me.
"Pippa you need to get over Steve he has a slut for a girlfriend you are way prettier than Savannah and you probably have way more friends than her. Savannah is probably just embarrassed about herself so she takes her anger on you." I tell Pippa. "And besides whenever Steve sees you he immediately gets this guilty look on his face it's literally so funny you need to see it." I say to Pippa and she immediately starts to laugh.
"Brielle you are so funny." Pippa says and we both hug.
"I know I am." I admit to myself and my phone buzzes in my pocket.

Jazzy💛❤- brielle we need you and Pippa to come to the hospital

Brielle- what why is everything fine

Jazzy💛❤- no Vanessa and him had a huge fight so she left to go to London

Brielle- is Lin OK

Jazzy💛❤- Lin is fine its Sebastian that is hurt

Brielle- what happened

Jazzy💛❤- vanessa threw him against the wall and now he can't crawl or walk without crying

Brielle- alright Pippa and I will he there prompto

Jazzy💛❤- OK bye brielle

Brielle- bye Jazzy

"Pippa we need to go to the hospital now." I tell Pippa pulling her up.
"What why?" Pippa asks me suddenly scared.
"Vanessa left Lin and threw Sebastian against the wall now he can't walk or crawl." I tell Pippa and she grabs her purse and we run to the car.
"What the hell is wrong with Vanessa?" Pippa asks me and I shrug my shoulders.
"I don't know but imagine Lin he's probably heartbroken." I tell Pippa and she suddenly is silent.
"Let's just get to the hospital." Pippa says plainly and I cock and eyebrow at Pippa's sudden attitude change but then just shrug it off she probably just cares for him.

What's wrong with Pippa??? I'm sorry I didn't update in a long time I hope I didn't lose my readers.

Adopted By Renee Elise Goldsberry Where stories live. Discover now