Chapter 8

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The next day after school Lin, Anthony and I take a trip to Pandora.
"Do you know what kind of rings Jazzy likes?" I ask them.
"I know she doesn't like fancy rings so let's get her something simple." Anthony awnsers and I nod.
Tonight Tommy understood that we had to go shopping for Jazzys surprise so now we are at Pandora looking for a ring.
"What about this one?" Lin asks holding up a ring that has a huge diamond in it and then a bunch of tiny diamonds circling it.
"Nah it looks more like something Pippa would wear." I tell Lin and he nods.
We go to another one of the engagement rings while we're walking we see Steve Pippas boyfriend with another girl.
"Is that Steve?" I ask.
"Yea Yea he is." Lin awnsers.
I go up to Steve and tap him.
"Hi Steve." I say and he jumps.
"Brielle." He says putting his hand in his pocket and he shoos the girl away.
"Who was that?" I ask.
"My cousin Savannah." He awnsers rather quickly.
"You sure?" I ask him.
"I'm sure." He awnsers and he goes back over to the girl.
I walk back to Lin and Anthony.
"He's cheating." I say flat-out and Anthony and Lin laugh.
"You don't know that." Lin tells me. "Did you ask who she was?" Lin asks me.
I nod.
"He said she was his cousin savannah." I say making quotes on cousin.
Anthony laughs.
"Steve Pasquele had a torrid affair." Lin says.
"And he wrote it down right there." Me and Anthony continue looking at the rings in horror.
After looking through several more rings we give up but then Anthony yells: "I found it!"
"Found what?" Lin asks and me and him walk over.
Anthony holds up an engagement ring and it looks beautiful it has a gold band with a diamond in the center with a smaller diamond in the middle that flicker in the light.
"Anthony that is beautiful." I say.
"I know." Lin says.
Anthony holds his arms out and we all go in for a group hug.
When we pay for the diamond Anthony thinks it is best if we put it in my purse for safe keeping.
When we're in the car Lin starts to whine.
"What is wrong?" I ask him.
"I'm hungry." He awnsers me.
My stomach growls and I didn't realize I was so hungry.
"I'm hungry too." I tell Anthony..
"Feed us." Lin says.
"What do you guys want taco Bell?" He asks and I shake my head.
"Me and taco Bell aren't exactly best friends." I tell Anthony.
"Mcdonalds?" Anthony says.
Lin shakes his head.
"Got food poising from there before." Lin says.
"Ok Wendy's?" Anthony says and me and Lin smile.
"Yayyyy!" We scream.
--30 minutes later back in the car--
"Lin I want you to be my best man." Anthony says to Lin and Lin touches his heart.
"I would love to man." And the 2 hug.
"And Brielle you could be the flower girl." Anthony tells me and I cock an eyebrow.
"Aren't I a little old to be a flower girl." I ask Anthony.
"I don't care as long as you are apart of our wedding." Anthony tells me and it

Adopted By Renee Elise Goldsberry Where stories live. Discover now