Chapter 40

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Brielle's pov
I grab my bathing suit and the rest of the stuff I need and stuff it in my motherfucking bag.
So first off let me tell you what's going on mom decided that since Nicole and I are now teenagers and might start yelling and bitching to our parents to take us on a road trip to New Jersey.
Why were we going to New Jersey? To go see Pippa's parents and to go to six flags so mom decided to make it a all girls trip.
Jasmine decided to bring Maria along just so she can have a road trip but Maria is only 3 weeks old and it's almost the end of may soon it will be moms turn to give birth and I will be so happy when she does.
So we're hauling all the stuff we're bringing into the trunk of the mini van mom rented 2 days ago.
Jasmine is carrying the car seat Maria inside of it sleeping soundly.
When we have everything situated Pippa is in the drivers seat, moms in the passengers seat, Jasmine has the middle all to herself and Maria, Nicole and I are in the back of the van.
"Are you guys sure you can handle her?" Jasmine asks as Nicole and I both whip out our phones.
"Yeah jaz we can." I say and mom puts the key in the ignition.
"Who's ready for a girls trip." Mom says and Pippa, Jasmine and her squeal.
"Woohoo." Nicole and I say sarcastically and mom turns to look at us.
"Why are y'all in a mood?" Mom asks.
"Wouldn't you be in a mood too if your mom forced you to go on a road trip?" I ask and mom doesn't say anything.
"Well yeah but that's because you're 13 when you reach my age you start to appreciate your parents more." Mom tells me and I shrug.
It suddenly gets quiet and Jasmine looks at us now.
"So Nicole are there any boys you like?" Jasmine asks and I giggle.
"Yeah Brandon." I say snickering and Nicole nudges me.
"Brielllleee." Nicole says.
"Who's brandon?" Mom asks smirking.
"Some boy in my history class." Nicole answers.
"He's not just some boy he and Nicole always cuddle in the court yard during free period and you can't deny it." I tell and Nicole evil eyes me then smirks.
"But you and Jackson always make out during lunch and you can't deny it." Nicole says.
Mom gives me a stern look.
"What do you mean by make out Nicole?" Mom asks and I bury my face in my heads.
"You know make out they practically bite each other's tounges off and you should see the way he touches her-"
"Enough!" I yell suddenly embarrassed.
Nicole laughs.
"I'm just playing with you Brielle you know that." Nicole tells me and I smile and laugh.
Mom turns the radio on and this song from the 90s comes on and Jasmine, mom and Pippa start to belt the lyrics from the song.
Nicole and I look at each other I grab my headphones and stick it in my phone and go to Spotify. I hope my Broadway playlist had enough songs to last this entire trip or else I wouldn't be able to survive.
2 hours later I am starving.
"Mom I'm hungry." I say and mom looks at her phone for a minute.
"The next food stop is a hour away." Mom tells me and I hear my stomach growling. I could not wait a hour to go to some fast food place to eat.
Jazzy being the lifesaver she is throws us back a Hershey's chocolate bar and Nicole and I split it.
Besides we were going to have to stop soon Maria was going to have to get fed and have her diaper changed.
Nicole had to pee and I was actually starving and when I'm hungry and I am not a happy camper.
When we finally do stop its at this place that has bathrooms and a bunch of fast food restaurants inside.
Mom first Nicole pees and then we look for a McDonald's and go there to order our food.
I order a double cheeseburgers , large fries, a apple pie, and a medium sized soda Nicole orders the same I guess she was hungry too.
We decide to eat in the car and everyone uses the bathroom before its time to make our way to New Jersey we're in some state but mom says we'll be stopping at a nearby hotel and staying there for the night then we'll continue our journey in the morning.
When we're in the car Jasmine grabs our phones.
"Get off your cellular and talk." She tells us and we both groan.
"So what do you think about this trip?" Mom asks and Nicole shrugs.
"It's been ok." She says and om turns to me.
"What do you think Brielle?"Mom asks.
"You don't want hear my opinion on this trip." I tell mom and she sighs.
"I do." Mom says and I roll my eyes.
"Alright this trip has been shit shit I tell you. You adults are having all fun because you're singing songs from the 1800s that Nicole and I don't know and we weren't bothering you guys when we were on our phones but no that didn't satisfy you you just had to make us talk to each other maybe I don't want to talk maybe I don't want to do anything!" I yell and bury my face in my knees.
"Brielle." Mom says and I feel tears streaming out my eyes.
"No leave me alone!" I yell and the ride to the hotel is silent.
When we get to the hotel we get a 2 room hotel so Nicole and jazzy and Maria can share a room and mom, Pippa and I can share a room.
It's late at night and I'm just getting out the bathroom when Pippa says: "I left my robe in jazzys Room." Pippa says and now it's just me and mom alone I feel mom come onto my bed and sit beside me.
"I'm sorry Brielle." Mom tells  me and I look at her.
"Sorry for what?" I ask mom and she looks down.
"I'm sorry for bringing you here when you'd rather be at home next time I'll know not to bring you." Mom tells me and I suddenly feel bad. "I just wanted to spend some more time with my daughter but I guess that failed."
I feel a tear slip down my cheek.
"Mom I'm sorry I'm sorry for my little outburst in the car and this hasn't been a exactly horrible trip you know when Pippa almost hit that cow that was funny." I say and mom and I laugh.
"Brielle is something going on with you is there something you want to tell me?" Mom asks me and I nod.
"Yes for the past few weeks Jackson has been hanging around Kaelyn lately and you know forgetting our plans and stuff. I ask him why he's doing this and he tells me he wishes he could tell me but Kaelyn told him to keep it private." I tell mom and I sigh. "I know he's not flirting with her and stuff I can trust him but it's hard seeing your boyfriend spend more time with your nemesis that already tried to kiss Jackson once." I tell mom.
"Sweetie maybe jackson is doing something with Kaelyn they don't have to be per say flirting Kaelyn might just be going through something and wants Jackson to help her." Mom tells me.
"But why Jackson?!" I yell and mom rubs my back.
"Sometimes we find comfort in the most unlikely people." Mom tells me and I look at her. "Maybe Jackson will tell you what's going on or maybe Kaelyn will tell you herself what's going on just give it some time ok?" Mom tells me and I nod and give mom a hug.
"Thanks for taking me on this road trip." I tell mom and she kisses my forehead.
"No problem." She says to me.
"Aww." I hear a voice say.
"That was so sweet." Another one says.
I turn to see Nicole, Pippa and Jasmine looking at us and we smile and look back at them.
"Alright guys we better hit the haystack we have to be out of here at 9:00 tomorrow morning." Pippa tells us and then looks at Jasmine. "You're driving tomorrow." She says and Nicole and Jasmine go to their rooms and mom and I climb into the bed together. (I know it sounds wrong but they're only 2 bedrooms in the hotel room) and Pippa climbs into the other bed and before I know it we're sleep. I know my family is crazy but I still love them.

Alright guys here's pt.1 of the road trip next chapter will be part 2 I wrote this at 2:30 and I hear shit rustling in my room I'm so scared but have a good day y'all ❤️✌🏾️

Adopted By Renee Elise Goldsberry Where stories live. Discover now