chapter 6

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The next day I got up and took a shower and then got my clothes on. I decided to wear my red and black plaid sweater with a black tank top and sweater with my new converse Pippa got me yesterday.
I go the kitchen and make me some Cereal and wait until Renee gets up.
20 minutes later I hear a scream and I start to giggle.
Renee comes into the kitchen wearing her Hello Kitty pajamas and takes a good look at me.
"You were up the whole time?" Renee asks me.
I nod.
"Why didn't you wake me up?" Renee asks me.
"Because it is so funny seeing you like this." I awnser and Renee checks the time.
"I need to get dressed but clean that bowl when your ready." Renee tells me and I nod.
When i'm done with me cereal I wash the dishes and then wait in the living room for Renee to come.
When she does she grabs her purse and her keys.
"Aren't you going to eat?" I ask.
Renee shakes her head.
"I'll eat on the way to the theater i'll probably get McDonald's or something." Renee tells me and we head to the car.
"Remember if anyone messes with you call me or one of the cast members." Renee tells me.
"How am I going to do that I don't have a phone." I tell Renee.
Thats when Renee digs into her purse and hands me a iPhone 6s rose gold.
"All the cast members numbers are in there and all your favorite apps." Renee tells me.
I take the phone and put it in my purse.
When we reach school I wave Goodbye to Renee and walk into the school.
First I have to go to the office because I need to get my homeroom and my locker number and my schedule and combination.
When I walk into the office a middle aged woman is at the desk.
"Excuse me." I say loud enough so the woman at the desk can hear me.
"Yes." The lady says still typing on the computer.
"I'm Brielle Jackson and I'm new here I need my schedule and my locker stuff." I tell the lady.
"Ahh Brielle." The lady says and she goes into a room.
A few seconds later she comes back with a few papers and gives them to me. I thank her and start to look for the lockers while I'm walking I bump into this girl (Annam1024).
"I'm sorry." I say picking up the papers.
"No problem." The girl says helping me.
The girl has cocoa skin and long silky hair like Renee she was wearing a white skirt with a pink tshirt and white suspenders with a white Bureau.
"Are you new I haven't seen you before." The girl asks me and I nod.
"I'm actually kind of lost can you show me where the lockers are?" I ask the girl and she nods.
We start to walk down the hall.
"My name is Theodosia by the way." The girl tells me. "Yup I'm named after a girl in Hamilton my mom didn't intend on it."
I laugh.
"My name is Brielle Jackson." I tell her.
"You look kind of familier." The girl tells me and she stops walking then she gasps. "You were in the Ham4ham yesterday." She says me.
"Yup that was me." I say.
"Your so lucky that Renee is adopted you." Theodosia tells me. "I wish Renee would adopt me." She tells me.
When we reach the lockers I do my combination and grab my books and Theodosia looks at my schedule.
"You have Ms.Hudson for homeroom I do too." Theodosia tells me and I smile.
"Cmon I'll show you the way." Theodosia says to me.
I think I just found a new friend.

"Today we have a new student." Ms.Hudson tells the class and I pray that she doesn't say my name and another person is new person is in this class.
Ms.Hudson looks at the attendance list.
"Brielle Jackson can you please come up?" The teacher asks me and my stomach churns. I fucking hate doing things in public.
Whispers go everywhere as I walk to the front of everyone.
"Isn't that the girl from the Ham4ham?" One girl asks.
"What is she doing here?" Another asks.
I just take a deep breath and stand next to the teacher.
"So Brielle tell us about yourself?" The teacher asks me.
"Well I really like musical theater." I tell the class. "And alternative pop music."
The class doesn't say anything just a bunch of bored stares.
"And I was recently adopted by Renee Elise Goldsberry who plays Angelica Schuyler in Hamilton." I say to the class and a lot of wows go around.
"Well Brielle I hope you like Bailey Middle School." Ms.Hudson tells me. "You may take your seat."
I go back to my seat next to Theodosia.
"So what was your last school like?" Theodosia asks me and I sigh.
"Really horrible I was bullied a lot and I literally had no friends." I awnser Theodosia and she smiles.
"Well its going to be really different here." Theodosia says to me.
"How?" I ask.
"Because you have a friend right here." Theodosia tells me and I give her a hug.
My life is starting to shape up.

It turns out that me and Theodosia have Gym, English, Social Studies, science, math, drama and the same lunch period together.
During lunch I got to meet her other friends Winnie and Olivia and we all became good friends.
Thats when 3 girls came over they were wearing designer bags and even better clothing. They looked like they were extremely wealthy.
"Hello Dork, Dorkier and Dorkiest." One of the girls says. The girl is wearing a black sleeveless romper with wedge sandals and she looked like she was in 9th grade istead of 6th.
The girl then turns to me.
"And new kid." She says snorting.
I close my eyes I was at a new school and I could start over if I wanted to I was not going to let people boss me around I was going to stick up for myself.
"My name is Brielle for your information." I tell the girl.
The girl snorts again.
"Like I care." She says to me. "But since Your new I'll try to move some space into my brain to remember your name."
This time I snort.
"Hon I think you have a ton of room." I tell the girl and she frowns.
"Do you know who I am Brielle?" The girl asks me getting in my face.
"No but I don't think I will care either." I awnser the girl.
"I am Kaelyn Mitchell Queen of the school you mess with me I beat your ass up." Kaelyn tells me.
I roll my eyes.
"I want you to try barbie I've gotten really tough over the years." I tell Kaelyn and this time she rolls her eyes.
"Only because your foster parents been kicking your ass for all those years." Kaelyn says and I get up and start to lunge at her but Theodosia pulls me back.
Kaelyn laughs.
"Come on girls we have better things to do than talk to these losers." Kaelyn says and her and her minions shimmy off.
"Theodosia why did you hold me back I was really going to kick her ass." I tell Theodosia.
"Because I didn't want you getting suspended on your first day at a new school." Theodosia awnsers me.
She is right I could get a reputation I could just imagine it kids in the hall gossiping about me.
"Hey isn't that Brielle the girl who kicked Kaelyns ass?"
"Yea I think it is lets stay away from her she might kick our asses."
I just sigh and wait until the bell to ring so I could go to my next class.

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