chapter 15

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Little authors note I'm changing her age from 11 to 12 and she's in 7th grade not 6th

The next day is Monday and the cast had a show for God knows what reason so when I got dressed and Jasmine made Anthony and I a breakfast of cinnamon toast crunch and orange juice.
Then Jasmine drops me off at school.
"Bye babe see you at the theater later." Jasmine tells me and I immediately remember the show didn't get their Monday off this week.
Theodosia is usually the first person waiting for me I see her on the front steps of the school on her phone.
"Hey." I say to her and she smiles and gives me a hug.
"How was Renee's date?" She asks me and I shrug my shoulders.
"I haven't heard about it yet because I spent the night at Jasmines I have a long story to tell you." I tell Theodosia and she inches closer to me.
"Vanessa left Lin." I tell Theodosia and she looks at me shocked.
"But they were the power couple of Broadway." She says and I shake my head.
"No that's Jasmine and Anthony." I tell Theodosia and she laughs.
"There's more when Vanessa left she was so mad she threw Sebastian against the wall and now he broke his arm and his leg and has a concussion." I tell Theodosia and she gasps.
"Is that all?" She asks.
I shake my head.
"No." I say. "I think Pippa likes Lin when they Hugged it looked passionate and whenever someone mentions her name around her she acts all weird."
A wide grin spreads on Theodosias face.
"I knew it Lippa is real." She shouts and I laugh really hard Theodosia could be so funny at times.
"Lippa?" I ask after my laughing fit is over. "You already have a ship name for them?"
Theodosia nods.
"I knew Vanessa and Lin were going to break up I was just waiting for the day." Theodosia tells me.
I laugh again.
"Well if you want and if it is OK with your mom we could take a uber to the hospital and visit Seb and Lin and Pippa before going to the theater." I tell Theodosia and she nods.
"I'll text her during lunch." She says just as Jackson walks up to us.
"Hey." He says and I smile as I give him a hug.
Just then Kaelyn and her little minions walk by us and she smiles at Jackson a little seductive smile.
"Hi Jackson." She says in that annoying voice of hers that I can't literally stand.
Jackson just smiles and waves at her.
"Hey kaelyn." He says.
Kaelyn then realizes Jackson is hanging with us.
"What's up losers." She says to us as her and her minions laugh.
I just roll my eyes. God Kaelyn could be so pathetic.
After saying that she leaves and the bell rings and we scurry off to homeroom.
Theodosia, Jackson and I sit at our usual seats in homeroom when the announcements come on.
"We have a special announcement for all you Bailey middle schoolers." The principle says enthusiastic and everyone groans the teacher just shushes them.
"Our school will be doing Rent the musical." He says and my eyes light up other than Hamilton, the great comet, and heathers rent was my favorite musical.
"The sign up sheets will be outside the office and tryouts are Friday. Your audition song must be a rent song so you better study now." The principal says after making a few more announcements he signs off.
Jackson and Theodosia immediately turn to me.
"You should try out." They tell me and I shrug my shoulders. The school play that was going to be hard for me.
"You should try out to Jackson you are a awesome singer as well." Theodosia tell Jackson and he looks shocked. He kinda was a good singer.
"If Jackson does it I'll do it." I tell my friends and Jackson nods.
"Guess like we're auditioning for rent." Jackson says and we all high five.
At lunch time Kaelyn and her little posse walk to me and Theodosia while we are eating our lunch.
"Brielle I heard you and Jackson are trying out for rent." Kaelyn says.
I nod.
"Yea why?" I ask.
Kaelyn's minions laugh and I roll my eyes.
"You might as well stop now because I'm trying out for Mimi and I plan on getting it." Kaelyn tells me.
I stand up to meet her level.
"Tough luck Kaelyn because I am trying out for Mimi and we'll see who's right for the role." I tell Kaelyn.
"yeah Brielle practically lives with the cast of Hamilton she is totally theater material." Theodosia tells Kaelyn and she makes this mean face.
"Ha! The only reason she is living with the Hamilton cast is because they felt sorry for her trash ass. Nobody wants you Brielle you might as well kill yourself." Kaelyn sneers and I find myself running out of the bathroom and into the stalls to cry.
I wasn't going to stay at school I just needed to go home right now away from Kaelyn away from Jackson away from the play auditions.

Brielle- Renee

Renee- yes baby

Brielle- pick me up from school right now

Renee- why

Brielle- I'll explain it to you later I just can't stay I want to go home

Renee- well I can't pick you up now but I'll have Oak come pick you up

Brielle- OK

Renee- for now just wait in the office for him to go pick you up and get your things

Brielle- alright

Renee- and we're talking about this when we get to the theater

I go to my locker and get my things and then go downstairs into the office when I see oak I give him a hug and then go into his car and stare at the window.
"Brielle." Oak says turning the music off. "Do you want to talk about it?"
"No I don't." I awnser.
"Brielle whatever the person said you shouldn't listen to them." Oak tells me.
"Oak don't you think I know that!" I yell at him. "It it's just the things they said hurt me really hard this time. They said something personal."
"Do you want to tell me what they said?" Oak asks me and I shake my head as tears welled in my eyes threatening to spill.
"No I don't want to." I awnser as a tear slides down my cheek.
When we get to the theater I try my hardest to get past everyone without them asking me what's wrong and I succeed.
When I reach Renee's dressing room I open the door with the key I have and collapse on the couch she has crying.
"Brielle." Someone says and the voice is Renee's.
Renee looks really concerned and she sits next to me on the couch and cradles me in her arms.
"Honey what happened?" Renee asks me.
I tell Renee the story and she rolls her eyes.
"Honey I never adopted you out of pity you have to know that. I adopted you because I knew I was going to have a awesome time around you and you were a awesome girl. Nobody ever thinks of you here as pity." Renee tells me and that makes me smile and wipe my tears.
"Thanks mom." I tell Renee and I hug her.
That's when daveed Comes in and joins in the hug and I smile.
I love my Hamilton family..

Adopted By Renee Elise Goldsberry Where stories live. Discover now