Chapter 43

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Renee's pov
It's been pretty hard having Angelica home.
For the first week she woke us up every night with our crying and I'm pretty sure for the first month of having Angelica home we all got at least 2 hours of sleep each night.
Now Angelica sleeps peacefully and today was a very special day for Daveed and I: Our wedding day.
When I woke up Daveed and I smile at each other then kiss.
"You better go to Anthony's to get ready." I tell Daveed and he pouts.
"I want to be with you." Daveed whines and I let my nose touch his. 
"Daveed you know we're not supposed to see each other until we're at the alter." I say and Daveed sighs.
"Who made up that dumbass rule?" He asks and I shrug.
"Idk but you better go and leave Jasmine's coming over to help me get ready." I say and Daveed kisses me one more time before leaving I go to Angelica's room and see Angelica already awake in her crib and I grab her and pick her up and put her in the high chair.
Lin comes downstairs and starts to tickle Angelica's small feet.
"Good morning precious goddaughter." Lin says and I laugh.
I decided to make Lin and Pippa the Godparents of Angelica and since Groff got kind of mad I made that decision I granted him the roll of being the Jesus parent.
"I'll be at the church in a few hours I'm heading over to Anthony's to get ready." Lin tells me and he goes into the cabinet and gets a poptart and then leaves I giggle when I see Brielle and Pippa come into the kitchen.
"Good morning mom." Brielle says to me. "Good morning Angelica." Brielle says to Angelica kissing her cheek.
Pippa grab the lucky charms from out of the cabinet and gets the milk out of the fridge and makes 3 bowls for herself, Brielle and I.
Once I'm done giving Angelica her bottle I start to eat the cereal when I hear the doorbell ring Brielle goes to answer it and I hear the familiar voice of Sharon and jazzy.
I grab Angelica from out of her high hair and put her and Maria in the playpen which was near the entrance of the kitchen so we could watch them.
Sharon runs to see Angelica and picks her up.
"Have you missed me have you missed grandma soo?" Sharon asks Angelica and Angelica gives little bubbly laughs as Sharon tickles her stomach then putting her down.
Sharon looks at Brielle.
"Brielle you are looking more and more like a woman each day." Sharon says and Brielle smiles.
"Thank you at least you noticed." Brielle says giving me a glare I roll my eyes.
"Brielle's goes get in the shower then let me go do your hair." I order Brielle and Brielle nods and goes to do as told.
"Alright what's our job?" Sharon asks.
"Jasmine did you do her hair?" I ask and Jasmine shakes her head.
"I was planning on doing it here." She says and I nod.
"Alright go do that now." I tell Jasmine and she grabs her bag full of hair supplies and hauls it to my room.
"Sharon washs the babies in the sink and go get them dressed please." I ask Sharon and she nods and grabs the babies.
What I do is go into the bathroom in me and Daveeds room and take a shower and the grab my wedding dress off the hanger and place it on my bed.
I wrap my wet hair in a towel and put on my robe when Brielle comes in with her robe on.
I sit her on a cushion and start to do her hair putting it in a topknot and she goes to her room to put her dress on.
I start to blowdry my hair so it can get curly then start to do my makeup.
Sharon comes in with the babies with their little dresses on and place them on my bed and they look absolutely adorable.
Then Jasmine comes out and goes and puts her dress on.
"Why are you putting your dress on in front of me?" I ask and Jasmine laughs.
"Don't act like you didn't see me in my bra before." Jasmine says and we both laugh.
Before we knows it Pippa, Sharon and Jasmine and Maria go in Sharon's car and Brielle, Angelica and I go pick up Brielle's friends.

Brielle's pov
Right now we're all about to come out and Nicole , Theodosia, Bridgett and I link arms together and are about to walk out.
The first person that walks out is the maids of honor which are Pippa and Jasmine and they look beautiful in their white dresses.
Next is the best man which dad couldn't decide so he chose Lin and Anthony and they both walk out together.
The next people to  come out are us and we walk out looking at the crowd I see Alysha and Gregory give me a huge smile the whole time.
Then dad comes and I hear a bunch of males in the crowd cheering for him and he stands on the left side of the preacher and it then mom comes grandpa soo and her arms are linked together and he lets mom walk to the alter as he finds his seat in the crowd.
Then Sebastian comes and he stands next to Pippa with the rings on the pillow he's holding.
Then comes Winnie she came in town just for wedding and we decided to make her the flower girl instead of oak.
Then the wedding service starts.
The preacher looks at mom and dad.
"Renee Elise goldsberry Diggs do you have anything to say about why you love Daveed Danielle Diggs?" The preacher asks and everyone laughs at dads middle name.
"I love Daveed because he helped me through tragedy and we've been together for over 2 years and I just want to say he helps me raise our 2 beautiful daughters together and he doesn't complain about it. At night when we're supposed to be sleeping he makes me laugh so damn hard I pee on myself don't laugh because it's happened to you once in a while." Mom u and everyone nods but laughs along with mom. "My point is I love his man and the only time we will part is when we die."
The preacher now looks at dad.
"Are there any things you have to say about Renee?" The preacher asks and he nods.
"Yes." Dad answers. "I love Renee because she is literally the best woman I ever met. I haven't been with much woman before I been with Renee. All the relationships I been in before Renee always ended in heartbreak and one of girlfriends cheated on me and the other one died in a car accident. After those incidents I thought I was a hopeless romantic but then I went to he first rehearsal at Hamilton and I saw Renee we ended up hitting It off and 2 years later we're here getting married I love you Renee I love you." Dad says choking on the end with tears.
The preacher then Looks at mom and dad.
"Renee do you take Daveed to be your lawfully wedded husband and sickness and health till death do you part and-"
"I do!" Mom yells interrupting the preacher and everyone laughs and then the preacher turns to dad.
"You don't even  have to say the whole speech I do." Daveed says and before anyone could say anything mom and dads slam their faces into each other and they kiss the crowd knows and I smile.
My parents were married.
Next month I would have been with Renee for a entire year and this year has literally been the best I made a lot of new friends met a lot of people and even made a few enemies but I wouldn't trade my life for anything in the world.

Alright so this is the last actual chapter of the book. But there will be a epilouge so that you guys will know the gist of the next book which will be uploaded by later tonight and I am currently working on the sequel. Anyways I had a awesome time writing this book and I can't wait to see a lot of more people read the sequel which will be up by the end of the weekend. Hope you guys Looks forward to the sequel 👋🏾.

Adopted By Renee Elise Goldsberry Where stories live. Discover now