Tired of Being 2nd--No, Last Place

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Everything here excludes family 100%.

This is just something that's been on my mind a lot lately.
Actually it's been on my mind a lot for my entire life haha.  But I just feel the urge to put it out there in hopes that someone else actually relates because man it'd suck if I'm alone here lol.

I've always wanted to be someone's #1 friend.  I never really got to have that because I moved a lot irl and I don't really know why I'm always that last person people wanna message on the web, but whatever.

This is one of the only selfish things I truly want.  I'd like to be that one best friend that ends up making other friends jealous because I come first.  Because my friend thinks about me before she/he thinks about the rest.

I wonder what it feels like to be treasured like that by someone.  I know there's a few people I put before the rest, but... I wish I was on the opposite end of that pole.

I want to be the one you think of when you're bored and wanna talk.  I want to be the one you think "Oh shit I haven't messaged this kid today" and text me first sometimes.  I want to be pestered for attention.  I want to be the reason you turn down dates because you've already got something planned with me instead of being the one that ends up ditched.  I want to be the friend you want to talk to most.  I want to be treasured like that.  Maybe one day.

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