Halloween Stories~

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Before I stood on the porch giving out candy, I took my little sister trick-or-treating.  Our grandmother was with us.  When we were walking up a steep hill, my grandmother was huffing and puffing and at one point was like, "Could you slow down?  We're not trying to win a race!"  Slow-poke~

At one point, there was another little girl going the same way as us, and my sister was like, "I feel like she's following us."  I bust out laughing like a maniac oml.

Now, for when I gave out candy on the porch....

When I give out candy, I'm careful with my selections.  Little kids don't get lollipops or jawbreakers or sour heads.  Basically, I didn't give little kids candies that are labelled as choking hazards.  I know, I'm a good person.

There was this wee little bean (probably 2 or 3 years old) in one of those buff ironman costumes.  He walks up the 2 steps to the porch with hands and feet and ughhh he was so cute.  He struggled so much.  His leg was the same length of each step fjwkdkekekrkkdkr.

An itty bitty fairy child came up to the porch and couldn't get her bag open!!  A bunch of other kids came around the same time, so they all ended up getting their candy first.  They walked away and she still struggled.  STILL.  So I squatted down and helped her out, and once she got her bag open, she let out the smallest "twick-o-tweet."  I gave her extra candy...

These brothers were racing to the door and the younger one said, "No!  I wanna be first!  Little kids first!"
The older brother got there first and opened his bag like "Trick or treat!"
I didn't give him candy.  I waited for the younger brother to catch up, and then I said, "He's right. Little kids first!"

I learned that we (my grandparents) are that one house in the neighborhood that gives out more candy than the rest.  When I was selecting the candy for these two teenage girls (probably 15 or 16), their eyes got big.  Then, the one looked up at the porch said, "Oh it's that house!!"

I saw a lady in her 40's with a pikachu onesie trick-or-treating.  Wth?  I gave her only sucker since they're choking hazards for babies.

One little baby girl, LIKE I SWEAR SHE WAS BARELY 2 YEARS OLD, came up to the door.  The mom was telling her to say trick or treat and the tiny little girl said, "tick tock."

Tons of children came with their buckets and bags extended out to me.  A good number of them expected me to give them candy without them ever saying "trick-or-treat."  Every time one of those quiet kids came up to me, I'd do one of two things: 1) stare them down while holding the candy above their container, not dropping it until they say the words, 2) help them say it.
Option 2 was for the wee little ones who look like they forgot the words.  I'd just start sounding it out and a light bulb would light up above their head.

At the very end, I ran out to a random family and asked if they've been down our road yet.  They said no, so then I gave them the rest of the candy from my bowl because "I need to get rid of my candy."

I don't like kids. *cough*


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