53 7 4

Tagged by stevienuniverse

is but a number.

Biggest fear...
is scary.

Current time
is on the clock

Drink you last had
has been drunk

Every day starts with
loud ass birds

Current favorite song
doesn't exist

Ghost...are they real?
Ask the one in my house

I moved a lot

In love with

Jealous of
The mirror

Killed someone
I was quite the Sims serial killer once

Last time I cried
with tears in my eyes

Number of siblings

One wish
If I tell you, it won't come true

Last person you called/texted
HONEYMYG probably

Questions you're always asked
are in this tag

Reasons to smile

Reasons to smile

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and myself

Song you last sang
isn't done...

Time I woke up
When my alarm went off

Underwear color
I'm wearing a tie dye shirt under my jacket

Vacation destination
is awaiting confirmation

Worst habit
being positive

Xrays you've had
showed my bones

Favorite food
is good

Zodiac sign
Earth Tiger

Did you enjoy my answers? I didn't want to think hard so this happened lmao.

I don't wanna tag anybody

I don't wanna tag anybody

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