Gosh I'm so behind on tags rn because I have a little bit of a life now. Life takes up a lot of time, ew.
For each prompt, you... Go to music app Hit shuffle Write down the first song that plays
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Hehehehe, I'm going to do the shuffle tag with my Bangtan playlist [all of their songs, mixtapes, covers, & extras...] (bc I'm all up in my BTS feels right now)
This song will play when you miss someone
Just One Day – BTS
This song describes your week *crosses out 'week' and writes 'life'*
Adrift – Rap Monster
It's been forever since I've read those lyrics and honestly, this describes every freaking week of my life. Every day. 24/7. I'm putting these lyrics on my wall istg.
This is your theme song
RUN (Japanese Ver) – BTS
me @ adulthood
This song will play if you think of someone you love
A Typical Trainee's Christmas – BTS
"Over here poop poop poop Hey over there poop poop poop This isn't snow it's poop poop poop! Look at the sky, it's raining white poop!"
"This ear to say me from tears, I'll give it tuh somuh special" –Jin2k13