College...Advice (?) or Something

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I went to my english composition 2 professor today and asked her how to write a historical book outline overnight

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I went to my english composition 2 professor today and asked her how to write a historical book outline overnight. Like, I went to her even though this huge assignment is for a completely different class.

She told me what to do, told me that she believes I can do it, and somewhere in there, she said something that stuck out to me.

"I was always pushing things off til the last minute, but hey; that's college."

It stuck out because in college, I get flooded with assignments and it's hard to give all my classes equal attention, so I wind up having to a lot of things last minute (I hate it).

What my professor said, though, made me feel a little better about it. So the college "advice" would be to not worry about it. If it's hard to stay on track, fuck it and get used to the last minute rush. Then try to get your time management straightened out next semester.

She also understood when I told her I meant to use yesterday and today to do my book outline

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She also understood when I told her I meant to use yesterday and today to do my book outline. I told her from the minute I woke up til 8pm, I was doing Algebra. I told her that I skipped all my meals to just study for the retake of my math exam (the grade I got on the first attempt was F...). That's all I did yesterday: math math math.

[shout out to HONEYMYG for helping me save my grade Wednesday like ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐]

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[shout out to HONEYMYG for helping me save my grade Wednesday like ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐]

The cool thing is, my prof didn't give me a look like "Don't make excuses. You totally procrastinated on this assignment." She didn't blow me off. She didn't question it. Instead, she related. She didn't even hesitate when she replied with, "Yep. I completely understand. Alright, I gotcha. This is what you do..." It was really nice.

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