Writing Hiatus Explanation

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I just feel the need to explain myself even though it's not an official hiatus.

1. My inspiration to write fucking died like a match dropped in a puddle.  It's gone.  I have no idea where it went or how to get it back, but I know it'll return to me eventually.

2. I'm a lot more busy than I used to be.  I got a job which pretty much takes away 2 days a week... and the other days are spent with family and... something... idk wtf I do but time literally disappears like what the fuck?

Any and all free time is put into reading a user manual to a program to produce music.  The booklet is over 430 pages and I am determined to learn how to navigate this program before Christmas.  I haven't even gotten to page 100, so I've got a few sleepless nights ahead of me; how wonderful. :')  I've been dedicating majority of my free time to that because I really like making music, and what I've been using is literally the lamest of lame and I'm sick of it.

3. So my writing skills are still at a freshman-in-high-school level, and that bugs me.  I'm almost 18.  I should be able to write better than I do, but I haven't taken English since... freshman year of highschool... I didn't even do it in 10th bc I was lazy, okay?  It's been 3 years.  I suck.  I want to improve my grammar and such so badly... ):  I start college mid-January, so... yeah.

That's why I haven't updated anything.  I would say I'm sorry, but I'm not.  I do feel bad, though.  I promise to make it up to you with better quality updates in the future.

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