46 4 9

15 fact tag

tagged by Morty44

1. I take colorful math notes

 I take colorful math notes

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2. I'm procrastinating rn

3. I wear a specific necklace around my neck every day. Thing is, the crucifix and the chain don't match at all 😂😂

 Thing is, the crucifix and the chain don't match at all 😂😂

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The crucifix & small ring is gold (-plated silver...), the chain is iron, and the big ring that connects the two is brass...
I was desperate for a chain :')

4. I'm allergic to nickel and pewter, so I can't wear cheap jewelry or it'll turn my skin green in less than 10 minutes...
R.I.P my wallet

P my wallet

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5. I prefer silver jewelry over gold

6. I ask for my mom's imput about almost everything before I make decisions

7. uhhhh I pray the Rosary daily

8. I pray a lot in general

9. I'm a traditional Catholic (yet I'm on Wattpad tf #BornSinner)

10. I hate how hard I have to think in order to come up with facts nowadays omg

11. My favorite digits to write on paper are 4 and 7

12. uhhhhhhhh I own a lot of shoes

13. I love the shrug ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

 I love the shrug ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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14. If there's water near me when I need to pee, I always take a swallow before I use the restroom.

15. My study stamina amazes me man

I tag 5 at random:


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