My experience with this comeback was actually interesting and mildly amusing in some parts...okay only one part but I used memes so yeah. I'm gonna start with waking up extra early.
My first alarm went off at 4:50am, but I ignored it. My second alarm went off at 4:51am, but I muted it. Maybe 10 seconds later, something in my mind screamed "BANGTAN" and I jumped off the couch before I even opened my eyes (and fell because my legs weren't awake yet). I ran (fell) up the stairs, racing time to get my earbuddies off of my desk in my room.
(At this point you're probably wondering why I didn't just sleep in my room. Well, my alarms are super obnoxious according to my mother and because I tend to ignore them, they wake up my mom and sister. I was being nice.)
*In case you're wondering just how obnoxious my alarms sound...
ANYWAYS so I made it to my earbuddies on time and plugged them into my phone and stuff. Then I was just standing there constantly refreshing ibighit YouTube channel until it showed up. Nothing out of the norm there.
Okay so at first I'm able to just be completely calm, but about halfway through the music video I accidentally got too excited and got noisy whoops. Woke my dog up. BECAUSE OF THIS ONE DANCE MOVE HOBI AND JUNGKOOK DID LIKE HOLY MOLY
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Big fan.
So after that I listened to the album non-stop~ My energy was just so positive and BAM in your FACE
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