43 9 4

Tagged by MicrowaveChild

20 facts tag.

1. I'm desperate to catch up on tags...

2. My finger/toenails are super hard. They don't break easy and its hell to clip them.

3. I'm a big fan of jeans

4. I have a fidget spinner and I've been spinning it like nonstop

 I have a fidget spinner and I've been spinning it like nonstop

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5. I think all religions are pretty dang cool

6. I hate being hugged by people I don't know

7. I take medications for my sanity

8. uhhhhh... I gotta wear a brace on my wrist every night bc I didn't listen to my friend when she told me not to overwork my hand in taking math notes :') fml

9. These facts tags are getting harder and harder because I try not to repeat facts

10. My MBTI personality type is ISFJ (Introversion, Sensing, Feeling, Judging)

11. Apparently my top work values are Independence, Achievement, and Support

12. Apparently, work-wise, the 3 interest areas that are most important to me are 1) Investigative, 2) Artistic, 3) Social.......I ain't even social tho tf bye

13. When I look at occupations that best fit me accirdingnti the personality type, work values and interest areas, most of them are medical

14. I dislike learning about Hinduism

15. I don't like philosophy at all

16. My IQ is higher than RapMon's have a good day

 My IQ is higher than RapMon's have a good day

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17. I like sweet tea

18. I can't stand carbonated drinks

19. I love cheap bar soap from hotels :')

20. I prefer my water warm, like, room temperature

Tagging 5 at random


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