Shiteu my Sister says #7-#15

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I'm so far behind on this, like, I kept forgetting to update these SO I'm just gonna throw a bunch up in here.

(Reminder that she is 5)

idk when [#7]
in the car while it's raining:

"Why isn't the water gone with the wiping shields?"

again, idk when [#8]

sister: "Why. do cats. have. to. be. so. contagious?"

me: "Contagious?"

sister: "Yeah, that's another word for crazy."

also don't know when [#9]

me: "I'm gonna go lay my depressed ass down while she takes a nap."

sister: "What's a presstan?" [trying to say depressed ass]

Me: "Something that you press."

She called buttons a presstan for a solid week.

January 15 [#10]

"You can't always see the poop on the toilet paper, but you can always smell it."

dunno when [#11]

"You can't push yourself. Only other people can push you."

March 19 [#12]
We were eating at an Italian restaurant and...

sister: "I'm full...I want bread sticks."

Mom: "We ate them all. Do you want another piece of calamari?"

sister: "No I want chicken fingers."

April 30th [#13]
My sister was telling me a scary story and she started it saying:

"It was dark as a pickle..."

May 29th [#14]

"Mom, how do you breathe and chew gum at the same time?"

May 29th [#15]

me: "Why are you listening in on my conversation?"

sister: "I have sensible ears."

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