A Tag Just for Writers<3

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This is an awesome tag.  It's pretty long, so you kind of just have to do it on your own time, but it's really nice.

You just have to answer these questions/prompts.  Originally, this was only 19 questions, but, like... That's an odd number.  Ew.  So I added one in the middle (so you won't know which one it is mwahahahahaha)

  So I added one in the middle (so you won't know which one it is mwahahahahaha)

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1. Describe yourself as you would a character in a fanfic.

Um... I mean... physical appearance...?

A shadowed figure sat rocking on a black leather sofa in an unlit basement.  The person's bare feet were pressed against the ottoman; legs bent while the body hunched over into an almost fetal position.  A faded light blue hoody covered his/her frame, the sleeves rolled up past his/her elbows.  The person's legs were covered with light teal pajama pants with crowned polar bears scattered on the fabric.  Hanging from his/her neck was a long, silver chain with a gold crucifix at the end; mismatched jewelry at its finest.
The figure repeatedly had to push dark blonde hair out of his/her face so that the he/she could see the phone screen.  The bright phone screen was reflected onto the person's blue eyes.  His/her--- okay I really cannot describe my face.  This is weird.  I feel like going into descriptive detail of my face would make me seem rather conceited.

I only used he/she bc I don't tell my gender bc it's fun to confuse people :)

2. Do you have a ritual before/during/after you write?

I don't have a "ritual" per say.  I do block myself off from the world, though, by plugging my ears and literally ignoring everything.  I could be sitting next to a burning lamp and not even notice it until I've been consumed by the flames.

3. Which fanfic is/was your favorite one to write?

Ah, I think... I think Ugliest Professor was my favorite one to write.  It just came so easily and I never really struggled.  It was great, and my readers were/are great, too.

4. Authors you admire?

There's a lot of authors/watty writers that I like, but there's only one that I've come to actually admire, and that's CAFEYOONGS.  It's not just because of her works, but also because of why she writes and how much she appreciates her readers.  She's just really involved and makes time for writing and replying to comments even though she's a super busy bee.  I think those are some pretty admirable feats.

5. How many words do you think you could write in an hour if you really concentrated?


6. What was your first fanfic pairing and plot?

Vkook (side ships: yoonseok, yoonkook, jikook, jihope, NamJin, Jinmin, yoonmin, kookdragon, too many)

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