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Tagged by beau_tae_ful

Answer 5 questions
Make 5 questions
Tag 5 people


1. Kiss, Fuck or Marry (Chen, Xiumin and Baekhyun)

Kiss Chen and then apologize profusely to xxnearisnearxx lmao

Fuck Xiumin bc I bet he can do wonders with those muscles of his

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Fuck Xiumin bc I bet he can do wonders with those muscles of his.

*doesn't have gifs of Xiumin... shit*

Marry Baekhyun (EXO bias) bc then I can kiss and fuck him as much as I want.

Marry Baekhyun (EXO bias) bc then I can kiss and fuck him as much as I want

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2. Thoughts on Gary leaving Running Man?

Not that big of a deal.  I still love Running Man.

3. Song of the week?

Considering I'm constantly streaming BST and Fire constantly...

4. Excited for MAMA?


5. Holiday destination?

None.  My family is lame af lmao.

My questions:

1. Who is your bias?

2. Who are your two biggest bias wreckers?

3. Kiss, Marry, Kill: your bias & 2 biggest bias wreckers? (you listed them above...)

4. Ultimate ship?

5. Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?







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