U.H.A.V.E.S.T.D.S stands for the UnHoly Actions, Vaginal Erections and Sinful Thoughts Detection Squad.
I just wasted approximately 10 precious minutes coming up with this.
Why? To give an interesting reply to a comment on my story...
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I mean, I think it's GENIUS, but wtf I'm 18. I'm too old--screw it. FOREVER!!!!!! WE ARE YOUNG!!!
I'd like to thank Yoonmin-Namjin_ARMY bc if it weren't for her, I never would've come up with a name for the people who give holy water and bibles to all the unholy fangirls out there :')
U.H.A.V.E.S.T.D.S probably just consists of Nunjoon / Rapnun and Namjis00s Christ and Father Mon
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