chapter 70-73

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Chapter 70

“Right, now that we've got rid of the little brats, ya can tell me all about this new bloke who thinks he’s good enough for my baby sister!” Gillian smirked as she tried to get herself comfy next to Cheryl who was giggling as she watched her struggling with her big belly.

“Haha!...Aww don’t call them brats! They’re little sweethearts” she scrunched her nose up, playfully slapping her sister’s knee as she sat facing her with her legs crossed up on the sofa.

“Yeah, when you’re sodden around! They’re not always like that!...anyway, stop dodging the question! What’s he like?” Gillian complained jokingly as she popped a chocolate in her mouth.

Cheryl sat back against the arm of the chair, pulling a cushion onto her lap as she giggled away at her sister digging for all the gossip. “What’s he like?...erm...well he's American, ridiculously hot, hilarious, so cute...” Cheryl had a massive grin on her face as Gillian pouted back at her, shaking her head as Cheryl tried not to laugh ”...erm...he has the best bum I've ever seen in my life, he’s really sweet and romantic, he dances amazingly, he's so talented and he's unbelievably sexy!” she finished, biting her lip whilst still trying to fight the fit of giggles which threatened to burst out. “That enough info for ya?!” she asked with a smug expression on her face.

“Ya soppy little freak!” Gillian gushed, leaning forward to tickle Cheryl’s sides as she began wriggling around, laughing her head off. “Urghh...he sounds too perfect, I’m not gonna like him, I like something to moan about...that’s why I’m with Sean...haha...he does me head in!”

“Oh believe me! Tre definitely gives me something to moan about!” Cheryl winked before being took over by another giggling fit as Gillian began playfully hitting her.

“Urghhh...ya dirty little cow! I’d rather not picture my little sis going at it thank you very much!” she complained, screwing her face up.

“Sorry...haha...naw but he's so lovely, honestly...and you will like him meanie! Don’t say you’re not gonna like him” Cheryl stuck her bottom lip out, making her eyes go all puppy dog like.

“I’m only joking, I’m sure I will!...How long have you actually been with him?” Gillian asked as they settled back down, both tucking into the Maltesers.

“’s been like two months now yanno!...I can’t believe it actually, I hadn't even realised it had been that long!” Cheryl suddenly began smiling to herself as it dawned on her how fast the time had gone since they met.

“Wow...really?! I thought it had just been like a couple of weeks or something! wonder you’re all soppy about him then!” she laughed as Cheryl stuck her tongue out at her.

“Shut up!...I’m not all soppy!...jerk!” she moaned, throwing a chocolate at Gillian who started chuckling away.

“Yeah you are babe!” she replied with wide eyes as Cheryl pouted back, shaking her head. “’s sweet’re all happy and smiley!” Gillian awed cutely at her little sister.

“I really am so happy though...he just makes everything 10 x better” she smiled, subconsciously hugging the pillow into her.

Gill stuck her bottom lip out as she softly rubbed Cheryl’s knee. “Good!...Well he’s got my approval long as he doesn't turn into a dick like the rest of your guys always do!” she raised an eyebrow as Cheryl rolled her eyes sarcastically. “Mam rang the other day and was telling me she loved him!” Gillian began giggling as Cheryl’s eyes lit up.

“Aww really?! Did she?” she beamed, her dimples bursting from her face.

“Haha...yeah! He’d been helping her make the dinner or something and she was literally singing his praises, honestly! She said he’s a total sweetheart” Gillian explained as Cheryl’s eyes sparkled brightly, so happy that her mam had been telling everyone how lovely Tre was.

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