Act I: Jesse (F)

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Jesse was feeling as right as ever earlier that very same day. She was at first admiring her shiny new armor Ivor had let her keep and had been a wonderful sight to the bright city townsfolk, who had just begun to construct a brand new cabin. She breathed in a huge whiff of the morning's offer of the finest air and joyfully sauntered about the square bringing joy to the world around her.

"Good morning! Hope you have a beautiful day!" was what she would always say to the locals with a flawless grin. Jesse was the local town sweetheart, snd all the boys in the town looked in her direction. But one truly touché by her jovial personality was Lukas. He would flush as red as rosy red apples in their bloom as she waves at, skips by and winks at, and (occasionally) even flings a kiss at him.

Yet her not-so-lovely side continued to hinder Lukas from any attempts to advance, and so did any others. And still the town would enter her in any World's Sweetest Sweetheart, and just her smile or her forest eyes would sweep the audience away any day. "She's the sweetest sugar in my cuppa" would only so rarely be heard by boys like Lukas, who despite being enticed by her outgoing love for everyone and everything, are also repelled by her bitter abrasive side to those like Aiden.

"What an amazing day. Phenomenal work, everybody. Keep it up!" Jesse said to the builders, before giving them a wave. She then saw Jesse, humming to himself. Having known him for practically forever, she decided to talk to him. 'Jesse!' she called out. Jesse's attention was immediately aimed towards her, and he began heading to her. "Hey! Good to see you agai-" but he was abruptly brought to a halt when she swung her arms around his neck and hugged him tight. "Oh! Now we're doing hugs now, eh?" They both broke apart, both slightly flushed, 'Anyway, what's up?'

Jesse began, "It's about your friend, Lukas." To that, she received a response from Jesse. "Oh. Well, if he's annoying you with his passive behaviour then I suppose I-" But he was interrupted. "No no no, it's not that. It's just that, I wish he could, you know, come out of his shell a bit more. Try to be open, ever since that thing was destroyed, it's seemed like he's become, quieter, introverted. He seems to chide his true colours away every time I wink, walk by, even try to fling a kiss at him."

At these words, Jesse let out a small chuckle before he said "Gotta say, I think he likes you! I think he's just driven away by your bitter side. I mean you're known as the local sweetheart and all thar lovely-jubbly stuff, sure. But you're also known for your warlike relations with Aiden."

Jesse was intrigued by his words. She replied "Oh come on! That's history. Can't we all just move on? I'm just trying to be nice! And besides, I've... uh... always... felt... feelings for..." She was shyly trembling as she said "...Lukas." At that word, Jesse knew that her one truly-seen crush had been on Lukas all this time, and he gasped at this newsflash. "Whoa there! I was so not prepped for that."

Jesse acknowledged the reaction, before she continued. "I always thought he was kinda cute and all that. I also felt that he might feel the same way too, for me. Lukas has always been my honeypot, his sweet and often adorable peronality are what glues my feelings to him." Jesse was amazed at these words before he replied "That's just sweet. I'll try to communicate your message to him, if I find him. OK?" Jesse smiled sweetly before she said "Thanks. That means a lot." Before departing, she planted a kiss on his cheek before heading back home. Jesse stared at her in amazement before running off to find Lukas.

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