Act VIII: Lukas *

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Contains excessive snogging, and lipstick, please proceed with much caution, AND DON'T BLAME ME FOR YOUR DISCOMFORT!

No. No no no. No no NO! JESSE! NO! AGH!!!!

"Yargh!" Lukas awoke from a terrifying nightmare, it pained his head just to think about it. "Ow, my head. Where am I?" Lukas could not gather his surroundings, his brain had been fuzzy from the events last night. He shook his head, his vision cleared up. He had fallen asleep on the hill again. "Ugh. It hurts, ouch..." Lukas rubbed his head to ease it, he looked around and noticed 3 grooves on the ground as well as 3 trails in the grass.

"Oh God... Wait- When did I- when did I remember ending up here?" His ear caught a soft sound of a soft voice. "You fainted, and banged your head real hard. Must've been me I guess..." It was Jesse, and she was still gleaming, 'Hi lovey...' Lukas was helped up by her warm hand, and to his confusion, she held out a cleansing wipe. "For your face. I think I mucked it up pretty bad... hehehe..." Lukas touched his moist face and cringed when he realised "Ew! What is this stuff? Is this... your lipstick?! Why you little- although I must admit, you did look kinda stunning with that kinda maquillage."

Jesse blushed, "Oh. You really thought so? Thank you! Did you like the dress, too? Must've caught your eyes right away?" Lukas knew she was teasing him, yet answered nevertheless, "Caught them? That's a blatant understatement, you burnt them! You're the reason why my life is so illuminated and... so smothered- oh you're still wearing it, so... beautiful, given that such malevolent maquillage is now in the picture. Y'know what I mean?" (C'mon you can't seriously be that wrong-minded?!")

"Oh I know what you mean..." Jesse said in an enticing tone, before much to Lukas' annoyance and shock, rugby-tackling him to the ground and "No. No no please no. Stop STOP!" At the other end of the opening, another couple was headed their way, conversing and laughing. They stopped along the path, "Petra, d'you hear that?" Petra's ear began searching for auditory stimuli, before she eventually noticed, "Sounds like, is, is your little sis. No, surely she isn't..." she then fixed Jesse a teasing smirk.

Jesse backed away, "Do NOT get any ideas. Yes I admit I kinda like it, but it can get REALLY humiliating!" Petra flicked an eyebrow before the couple exited the forest and into the hill opening. "Honestly, it felt just as amazing as that other night we were all here, just you, and me..." Jesse said, Petra replied "Yeah, though I felt closer to you than ever. I mean, that ball then, it was kinda fun. Stuff was said, and you and I are still together. To me, that's all that matters," Jesse glanced to notice Petra clutched his warm hand, and his heart was beating like berserk.

"Ok...... Let's not try to give me a heart attack OK? Trust me, CPR is like the most humiliating thing that will happen to me, and your touch will only make it worse. Add that devious makeup and I'd be runed " Petra responded coolly, "Oh yeah, no way will we want that to happen to an adorable sap such as yourself." Jesse, despite adapting to her touch, tensed when Petra slung her arm around his shoulder.

The couple decided to return to checking on the others. They saw two people, on the ground. Lukas appeared lavishly rouged and Jesse was beside him, with a mild stain on her face in turn. "Oh God. Not again... C'mon Petra, we gotta sort him out." Petra giggled to herself, reminiscent of the events relevant to the given situation. "Yeah I'm coming. I'm gonna enjoy smothering you again sometime in the future..."

Jesse hurtled to Lukas, breathing heavily, "Oh my God! What happened to you?! Petra did this to me, but her to you?!" he said, offering him a cleansing wipe. Lukas snatched the wipe and hastily swabbed his face clean. "Yeah. At least it wasn't as bad as last night, when they were really rouged. I almost died of a heart attack then, and all because she thinks I'm more than a kissable pretty face. And yeah I do think she loves me and my traits!" Jesse couldn't make out a single word and instead continued to wipe his sister's face, she had a red line drawn across her cheek.

"You silly girl... Smothering Lukas, you didn't use that much then? Didja?" Jesse whispered into her ear, before helping her up and planting a gentle kiss on her cheek, putting a larger smile on her face. "C'mon brother, you know I can't resist a face like his, and besides, you already know I do love him." holding up an empty tube, much to Jesse's shock. Lukas was too dazed to even eavesdrop. He then fully noticed that everyone was still dressed for last night, and was shocked by this.

"Have we always been here?" Lukas asked. His memories of that night were wiped slate-clean. "Oh, you seriously don't remember anything?" Jesse asked curiously. "Not everything. Just after the ball ended..." Jesse began to explain with scarce detail. "Well, that night, we were all headed here again..."

"Hehehe... Stop dragging me! That hurts! (his face was lightly gashed by a branch)" Lukas exclaimed quietly whilst Jesse was excitedly dragging him alongside her. "C'mon, can't be far now! Just us, just like before. I'm yours..." followed by "And I'm yours too!" from a rushed Lukas. The opening was gleaming in its beauty as always on every love radiation emission on a large scale. "It looks amazing, but not as amazing as you..." Lukas whispered. Jesse was again touché by his heavenly words, then said "Oh you really think so?"

Whilst Lukas was wandering about the opening, Jesse was busy covering her lips with Rouged Blasphemer No. 5, and snickering as she does so. "Hey sweetie! C'mere!" she said to an awestruck Lukas. He awoke from his trance, and noticed that Jesse was beckoning to him. Unknown to her applied maquillage, he willingly advanced towards her, before noticing, "Is that... lipstick? Jesse, what's going on-"

Lukas was cut off when he was suddenly tackled to the ground by Jesse like a pouncing tiger. Both lay on the ground, then Jesse, mirroring Petra's actions towards Jesse naughtily said "Aw your little face is hurt! I can fix that." Lukas confusedly said "Wait, what-"

"Hey hey! Knock it off! Bleurgh! Yuck! Stop it! Please! I'm begging you! Please stop it!" The rest of his words were either muffled by her lips or never recollected. "Bleurgh! Please stop it! You're practically painting my face with your lips right now and I'm begging you to PRETTY PLEASE stop it!" But this only encouraged her, "Begging? That's so sweet!" she replied, to which Lukas groaned Oh crap...

After 3 minutes of Jesse's kissing and Lukas' reeling, she eventually stopped, and Lukas gasped for oxygen. "Jesse?! What was that?!" he scolded a guffawing Jesse, lips still rouged. "Did you like that?" Lukas lashed out, "Like it? That was really disgusting! It's all over my face now! What have you got to say?!" Oh Lukas, you are so funny when you're pretending to be mad, I know you enjoyed that...

Jesse giggled in his face and squealed "I love you?" This caused Lukas to stop glaring angrily at her, and for his rouged face to form a damp grin. "Oh you little, come here you-" he chuckled, before wrapping his arms around Jesse and dragging her against him, kissing her passionately, regardless of the makeup. It wasn't hard to melt, and Jesse rolled off him, half asleep and still panting. "I knew you loved that. I knew you did. I look forward to doing that again..." the italicized words were muttered in her head. Lukas held her close and gently kissed her forehead; Jesse sighed in relief and her lips met his again. Then silence. They simply stared up at the magnificent night starry sky, calm that they have each other.

Moments later, Jesse had fallen asleep beside him, she appeared to be filled with innocence and love, when in fact Lukas had just been smothered. Lukas turned to eye her, "Why? Why did you do that? Damn it, you're just... so cute and lovely I could never be mad at you! I love you and all, and I know you think I'm rather cute, but I never knew that would happen. Anyway, love you! Good night!" He passionately kissed her dormant lips (which were still rouged) before snuggling with her and falling asleep.

"What? Seriously?" Lukas' jaw dropped, and Jesse tried to act all 'innocent little girly' and trying to look like so (hands behind back, head down, foot looking as if it were trying to drill into the soil, sheepish grin, legs crossed at the feet, giggling). Lukas then turned to face a reddened Jesse. Tee-hee tee-hee... Lukas couldn't argue, and instead hugged her tightly "Aw I could never be mad at you for that! Oh God I love you too much it's to stab my heart to hear you suffer" before kissing her. Jesse, lost in his love, kissed him back. And for the sake of not being left out, Jesse started kissing Petra, with whom the latter kissed him back. A minute later they were all headed back to town, still trembling, and still in love, knowing they have each other...

A rather disturbing tale, don't you think? Oh shut up!


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