Act IV: Jesse

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Jesse could not even dream of what happens in 6 hours time. Although his ability to dance and his obvious charm are with him, he remains unsure if it's enough for Petra. But he reassured himself and told himself "I'm obviously enough for her. What am I worried about when Petra's clearly the one for me?"

Jesse knew that he would avoid all kinds of exquisite attire and just attend the ball being himself. There were times where Jesse was unsure whether Petra truly loves him or whether she was just waiting for him to come back crying to her. "No no no. Petra does love me. I can see it in her auburn eyes she truly does and that she's just hiding it because she's too shy to admit it." Jesse knew Petra as an extroverted and tough warrior, but her softer side introduces a shy, introverted, and beautiful girl just waiting to come out of her shell and view the real world. "Come on, Petra. I see what's truly inside you when others don't. I know there's something amazing inside you that you just wouldn"t admit. The world wants to see the softer side of the Petra I love. You're hiding the true you inside. If you truly love me, admit," Jesse saie this inside his mind, although it sounded too romantic to be uttered.

Jesse spent the rest of the time in his treehouse, thinking to himself. He thought of his life tomorrow, he worried about Lukas, he confided his true feelings to Petra in himself. When the curfew bells (to avoid mob attacks) rang 7, the town gate shut closed and the ball would commence. Jesse took a deep breath, reassured himself that everything will be fine so long as he remains calm and focuses on Petra. He left his treehouse and began to head for the square. Simultaneously, he saw Jesse leave her house and head for Lukas. She did not see him, so there was no interaction between the two. He noticed that she too would attend the ball as herself. They both headed to the plaza for their greatest leap into any relationship, their first date.

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