Act IV: Lukas

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It was another bright and beautiful day. Two couples are seen still asleep after last night, when their newfound love was founded. Of the first to awake was Lukas, who had shook himself up, but acted startled when he noticed Jesse had somehow shuffled all the way to the other side of the hill whilst she slept. He could still remember everything that happened last night, and his head ached just thinking about it. He went over to look at Jesse, but was scared half to death when he tripped over Jesse, whom he had never noticed. "What the hell? How'd you- never mind." Lukas was even more confused when he turned to see Petra, who had semingly shuffled away from Jesse and towards thr top of the hill.

Lukas laughed to see a red stain on Jesse's cheek, it was presumably lipstick or something like that. When he rolled Jesse to the side, he noticed that the groove he made on the ground was also adjacent to Petra's. "Yeesh, guess he also experienced what happened last night. Aw, all that lovey-dovey stuff last night hurt my head, but that, that was something else (no! I did not mean that in a way. Grow up!)" Lukas stumbled to Sleeping beauty and literally kissed her awake.

She gently awoke and looked happy to see her sweetie pie, "Hey. How's my little sweetie?" to which Lukas smiled and said "About as loved and cared for as you'll ever be." She turned and flinched when she saw Jesse, still asleep, on thr hill. "How'd he get here?" Lukas corrected her, "You mean how did they get here?" pointing out Petra. "Anyway, how's my sweetheart doing?" Jesse got up and hugged Lukas. He knew she was happy and in turn, responded "Sweeter than ever, that's for sure. You wanna go and wake them up?"

"No. I have a better idea" Jesse sniggered. She devised a teasing joke to move Jesse's and Petra's half-dead corpses together in a manner which presses their lips together so they'd look like they died making out. "Well, I suppose it sounds funny, but, what the hell? I'm sure their reactions are gonna be so funny!" Luckily, Jesse never forgot about her video camera. Lukas dragged Jesse's corpse whilst Jesse dragged Petra's. They lay them together and loosely pressed their lips together, as well as (suggested by Lukas for added humour) wrapped one of their arms together.

They hid out behind the hill so they could be obscured. Jesse prepped her video camera and aimed it at the couple. Lukas noticed they were about to wake up, so he covered his mouth to block laughter. He then took his place behind the hill and watched in pleasure as the action unfolded.

Jesse had begun to stir, but when he noticed one of his arms were slung around Petra, he was confused. Did we fall asleep lke this? It was just when Petra began to stir when they noticed they were kissing. The reaction was hilarious. They immediately darted backwards in terror. They began panicking. The dialogue was inaudible, but the camera made sense of the speech.

What happened?
Why were we kissing?
And since when did we fall asleep like this?
How did you- Wait a minute... Where's Jesse and Lukas?
They did this!

Petra and Jesse had blushed to a bright red when they noticed what just happened, and for unknown reasons, they briefly kissed before searching for the others. "Uh oh! They're onto us. Scram!" Jesse saw the other two hurtling towards town. "There! Get them!" he yelled. Petra started giving chase and easily caught up to a laughing Jesse and snatched her video camera. Jessw caught up with Lukas. "What the hell, dude? Why?" but he toned down and said 'although, I must admit, it was pretty funny. And cute, if you must.'

Lukas began to laugh. "Yeah, but don't look at me! It was Jesse's idea. Honest!" Jesse forgave him, "That's alright. Besides, I thought it was cute. And anyway, where's Petra?" The two guys walked back but gasped to notice that the girls were laughing heavily at the recording. "Gets funnier every time!" Petra remarked, before looking up and gasping 'Oh hey!' at a somewhat frazzled and cross-looking Jesse. Moments later, they were looping the video and laughing their vocal cords off. They found the overall reaction ridiculous, but Jesse remained annoyed that it happened to him.

After pulling themselves together, the gang began to head back to town. Lukas trailed behind, Jesse stopped too so he could talk to him. "Hey, what's up? Why you down so much now? Wasn't last night already amazing?" Lukas responded "No, it's not that last night was terrible. I mean, I did like it. It just didn't feel right, Jesse." Jesse knew his friend was gonna need advice, so he told Lukas to explain his issues (don't worry. they'll never know I spoke to you).

Lukas began with "Well, I love her and all that, it's just  that, her calling me endearing names, it really discomforts me at times. It feels like she just likes me 'cos I'm cute and all that." When Jesse heard this, she said "No I don't! I like you because your personality cannot be ignored. Of all the other guys who eyed me (even ones I dismissed as plain disgusting) with their outgoing and distinctive character, you just stand out from all the rest! It's not just your looks which attract me, it's your cute personality which attaches me to you more." With those words, Lukas sighed with relief. "So you truly do love me?" Jesse laughed and said "Of course I do!" Lukas sighed an even bigger sigh before humorously pointing out "Jesse. You got lipstick on your face."

Something tells me the reaction won't be so… not weird… Yeah… But that's another story…


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