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As the two of you sat in the cell together, the tension started to lessen. Although there were still questions about each other, only one seemed to be at the top of your list for Bucky, "what happened to you?" you asked softly, referring to his arm. He looked confused for half a second until he remembered it all. He let out a heavy sigh, what ever happened must have been bad. Bucky shifted around so that he could face you while explaining his situations, and how he ended up here with you.

"Well kid, that's kind of a loaded question. I guess everything went to shit when I joined the army..." he paused for a moment, "this isn't the first time Hydra has gotten ahold of me, they captured me and my platoon a while back along with about two hundred other soldiers, started doing some experiments. And just as luck would have it, I was one of the ones chosen for it. What happened in between is kinda fuzzy, but the next thing I know, my best pal Steve comes charging in wearing tights and an American flag and is coming to my rescue, said some scientist gave him a serum that enhances everything, he used to be such a tiny thing." he slightly chuckled to himself before finishing his story, "Anyway, on our way out we ran into this man, Shmidt-" your head shot up and eyes widened at the name, and it didn't slip Bucky's notice, "I'm guessing you've met the guy, never seen anyone pull off their face, that was new. Anyway, he went on about how he was going to change the world and how he was Dr. Erskine's greatest creation."

Your eyes widened again at the mention of Abraham's name, you'd always wondered what happened to him after you were taken away, Bucky could see that you had questions, but held his hand up so he could finish the story, "so after we figured out Shmidt's plan, we located all the bases and started destroying each and every one of them, the last mission I was on was when we went to go capture Zola and bring him in, didn't end to well for me though, I ended up falling off the damn train we were on, the last thing I remember was seeing Steve try to grab me before I fell, I must have hit my arm on the way down, don't remember too much detail though. But when I started to wake up I remember being dragged through the show and into this hole on the wall, then I saw you and now we're here." He said with a light clap of his hands, and then winched a bit finally realizing he really did have a metal arm and this wasn't just some terrible nightmare.

You allowed everything he told you to sink in for a moment, his story even involved people you knew, someone you missed dearly. You wondered if he had a chance to meet him, you hoped he did, and you wondered where Abraham was now. You wondered who Steve was, and if he was going to find and save the two of you, it couldn't hurt to hope could it? "You said something about Dr. Erskine, his name is Abraham, how does he fit into all this?" You asked.

Bucky shrugged slightly at your question "He gave Steve the serum too, I guess it just worked out better for Steve, something about amplifying the good in him as well instead of the bad. Why do you ask?"

"Because he's the one who protected me for as long as he could, at least until Shmidt came along." You replied, sadness laced in your tone.

"What do you mean he protected you? Don't you have a family? Parents?" He asked, brows furrowing.

All the memories started to flow through your mind again, memories of your father. You never knew he would turn on Asgard the way he did, you only ever saw him as the kind and caring father he had always been to you, but you never saw him outside of the palace. Thor told you he could still be saved if Loki was still alive, but change could only come if it was welcomed, and your father did not like change. "My father disappeared, my uncle brought me to this planet because he thought id be safe here, he left me with Abraham. He's the closest thing I have to family, but I don't even know where he is, I've never been allowed to leave this place ever since Shmidt stole me. Did you get to meet him?"

You looked up to see Bucky's eyes slightly glossing over, you knew the answer wasn't going to be what you wanted. "No, I never got to meet him, Steve told me he was killed right after the procedure was finished. Im so sorry, doll." You let your head drop a bit, your mind began to process what Bucky told you. Abraham had been alive up until recently, and you wondered if he had ever tried to look for you, he must have, but could only search for so long. You wondered how this Steve guy looked after the serum, you wanted to see the improvements from the first attempt, any attempt had to be better than the one on Shmidt. You were broken from your thoughts by Bucky's voice again. "Hey, you said you were left on this planet, where exactly are you from?"

You weren't sure how to explain to him that there are more worlds than this one, nine realms to be exact, you figured you'd just go for the easiest explanation, "I'm from a place called Asgard. It isn't even in this galaxy, it's actually in another realm entirely." The reaction you got, once again, wasn't exactly what you were expecting. A small smirk with a chuckle, what was so funny?

"So in other words, you're from space? Guess it's not the strangest thing I've heard lately." At least that explains why he wasn't too phased by your magic, he had already accepted that there are stranger things going on, but you still had one more question.

"So your friend, Steve, do you think he's looking for you? Do you think he can save us?" You asked with a small glimmer of hope in your eyes once again, you saw the same in Bucky's as well.

"He's gonna kill Shmidt, and then after I can only pray he's still looking, that he hasn't lost hope."

You were about to reply, but then the cell door burst open. A guard with two food trays walked in and slid then towards the two of you. He gave you both a wicked grin "Eat up! You two will need all the strength you can get for tomorrow." With that, the guard walked out slamming the door and making sure all the locks were in place before leaving again.

You looked down at your ever so gracious "meals" that consisted of a piece of bread, dirty water, and some unidentifiable mush that you could only assume was crushed meat. Even though the food never looked appetizing, you knew you needed to take advantage of it when it came. You and Bucky both looked down as your stomachs growled in sync, then looked up at each other and shrugged. You both began to eat your food, grimacing with every bite and swallow. As you both finished you chugged down your disgusting waters and sat quietly for a moment.

You were starting to feel very tired in this cold cell, without thinking you snuggled up to Bucky for some warmth for the both of you. He gladly accepted, knowing that you were going to be the one person to keep him sane while he was here, and that at your age you most likely wanted to feel protected, and he would gladly take that role. As your eyes started to close a bit, Bucky took off his army jacket and put it over the both of you to mimic a blanket, it was a thoughtful gesture, especially in this cold cell. Right before you finally fell asleep, you heard Bucky say something that, for the first time in years, made you laugh.

"Steve better get here soon, and when he does we're gonna take you to get some real food, not this inedible crap."

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