Any time you would start to mumble in your sleep or start to stir a little, Bucky would subconsciously run his fingers through your hair, or pull you slightly closer to him, just to let you know he was still there without actually waking you up. He didn't sleep much that night, he didn't want to either. In just one day, he found out he lost his best friend, began the process of losing his memories, and realized how much you have truly been through while being a Hydra prisoner.
Escape plans ran through his mind, ways to get the two of you out as soon as possible, hopefully within a week or so. He knew it was a bit far fetched, but he had you on his side, just as you had him on yours, and a little bit of magic wouldn't hurt either. He was pulled from his thoughts when he heard you start to mumble in your sleep again, but this time you were mumbling his name "Bucky..."
He pulled you closer again, "I'm right here, doll." He said in a whisper, just loud enough for you to hear his voice but not loud enough to wake you up. But you kept talking in your sleep, and it quickly caught his attention.
"Bucky please... You're stronger than this please...Don't do this..." He was more concerned now than before, he wanted to know what you were dreaming about, and why he was in it. He decided to try and wake you gently, since you didn't seem to found of whatever dream you were having. "Bucky it's me, you remember me right? I'm your friend... Please don't do this..." You spoke up again in your sleep. He became more worried by the second, now he knew whatever you were seeing wasn't good, he shook you a little rougher as he called out your name to try and wake you. "Bucky stop, please..."
"Come on y/n, I need you to wake up now. It's just a dream, come on!" He said frantically. Unfortunately he didn't notice the blue mist that was appearing around the room, your mind thought this dream was real, and it was going to take action, protecting you at all costs.
"Bucky no!" Your eyes shot open glowing white, your body shot up fast as you gasped for air and Bucky was thrown against the wall across from you, falling to the ground on his left side. You closed your eyes for a moment to try and calm yourself. When your eyes reopened they were back to their normal color and the mist was gone. You looked to your side but Bucky was no longer there, so you started to panic until you heard a groan from across the room. Your eyes widened when you realized what happened, and you ran to him as fast as you could. "No no no no! Bucky!? Bucky I'm sorry! Please be okay, please please please be okay!"
He only groaned again in response, you began to panic again. Bucky was hurt and it was your fault, you felt like a monster. You were too scared to touch him, thinking you might hurt him again, he slowly started to lift himself up until he was sitting against the wall. "Well... That was new." He said, trying to make light of the situation but only for a second. He saw the look in your eyes and knew you were worried.
"I'm so sorry Bucky! I didn't mean for this to happen. I'm sorry. Please don't hate me!" You frantically said as you were trying to make sure he didn't have any injuries. Bucky grabbed your wrists to stop you, to get you to focus on what he was going to say next.
"Look at me." Rather than listening to him you turned away and bit your lip, focusing on anything that didn't have to do with him. He let out a heavy sigh and grabbed your cheeks to make sure you couldn't look anywhere else but into his eyes. "I'm fine y/n, you just knocked the wind outta me that's all. I couldn't hate you doll, like I said, you're stuck with me till my last breath." He lightly chuckled before bringing the mood back to a serious one, there was still one thing he needed to know. "What was your dream about? What did I do?"
Your eyes widened when you remembered what caused all of this, you didn't know he heard you talking in your sleep until he asked that question, and you were scared to give him your answer. Closing your eyes and taking a deep breath, you decided he needed to know, just in case anything happened. "It was about you... And what they're going to do to you once you're brainwashing is complete." You paused to look at him again, he was listening intently, not sure where you were going with this yet. "They gave you your first orders, they made me your first mission..." Bucky grew more worried by the second, he knew what was coming next couldn't be good at all. "Buck, they wanted you to take my powers with a serum they created, and when you finished that..." You paused, gulping before telling him the ending, "when you finished that, they wanted you to kill me."
Bucky cursed under his breath as he went to lean against the wall once again. Here he was protecting you, trying his hardest to keep you out of harms way, and your new nightmares were about him. He felt like he had already failed you, like he had already lost you. He wasn't going to let them take you from him, and he knew exactly what he needed to do. "That's never gonna happen." You looked back at him with a confused expression. "That's never gonna happen because by the end of the week, we're leaving this place, forever." He smirked at the end of his sentence, his mind already forming a plan to get out of hydra.
"You really mean that Bucky? Are we really leaving that soon?" You asked hopefully, you both needed to leave and as soon as possible.
"You bet doll, at the end of this week, we're outta here, for good!" He said, rather proud of himself.
You unexpectedly crashed yourself into him, wrapping your small arms around his neck with a smile on your face, and he gladly returned your tight embrace. "Thank you Bucky! Thank you so much!" He pulled away and smiled at you.
"There's one very important thing we need for this plan to work." He said, you looked at him curiously waiting for him to finish. "We need that powerful mind of yours to do a bit of magic, how much control do you have over it?" He asked
You thought about it for a minute, you've never really noticed how much control you really had over it, for the most part your control was good, very rarely would it get out of hand. "I think I got a pretty good hold on it. Why? What do you have in mind?" You asked, mimicking his smirk.
He looked at you proudly, he knew you wouldn't argue with what he was about to say. "Well I just figured, if we're leaving this place for good, why not cause a bit of mischief of our own? Teach these thugs a lesson?"
Both of your smirks grew a bit, you were ready to get some revenge on Hydra, and you knew with Bucky at your side it would be. "Well..." You paused, blinking for a second only to open your eyes again to reveal a glowing green and a wicked smirk, "I was always told that mischief is in my blood."
Bucky's smirk also grew once he knew you were officially on board with his plan. "Alright then trouble maker, now we just need our plan." He said with a chuckle.
"When do we start?"

FanfictionLoki's daughter, Y/n was left on this planet at a very young age by her uncle, she was born with magical abilities. She was thought to be safe here, but ended up in the hands of Hydra. Tortured and experimented on for years with no sign or hope of a...