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Thor was finally able to bring you away from Loki so the two of you could stop Malekith. Winds started to pick up and the dust blowing around was becoming too much to continue on. The two of you stumbled upon a cave, once inside there was a strange feeling you couldn't describe. You're thoughts weren't given much time before Thor interrupted them, "we need to find a way to get reach Malekith again."

You thought about what he said, and then you remembered what you saw when the Aether was pulled out of you. "He's going to unleash it." You whispered in disbelief.

This caught Thor's attention, "how?" He asked you, when you didn't respond he asked again but more urgently "Y/n, how?"

"Earth." You whispered. "Why would he go to earth?" You asked him.

"The convergence." Thor replied as realization hit him.

"None of this would have happened if I hadn't found the Aether." you spoke, disappointment in your tone.

"Y/n, Malekith would have only found it that much sooner if you wouldn't have. We would not have a chance to stop this if you hadn't found it." Thor told you.

"I should have just come to Asgard as soon as I felt something was wrong." You told him.

"What do you mean?" He asked you.

"Days before I found the Aether, before all of this happened, I wasn't feeling like myself. I felt like there was something controlling me, leading me down a path I never knew, and then I found the Aether." You explained to Thor.

"The Aether called to you, it chose you." Thor whispered to himself. He began to think of what all of this meant, and he was about to speak up again until the two of you heard something fall, when the two of you looked in the direction of the sound you saw a bunch of different things. Soda cans, glasses, shoes, and a set of keys. As you walked closer to all the objects, you felt a slight breeze. You grabbed Thor and walked toward it, the two of you vanished from the cave and somehow made your way back to London.

"Was that a portal?" You asked him curiously.

"The convergence is closer than we think." Thor told you as the two of you got in the car that the keys went to that you found.

"We have to go find Erik. Come on, I'm sure Tony and Steve found him by now, we gotta go!" You told Thor urgently as the two of you drove off and you called Tony.


"Did you two go to a party or something? What the hell took you so long?" Tony asked as you and Thor walked into Erik's apartment. He took in the appearance of you two, dressed in Asgardian clothing, dirt on your faces, and even bruised and blood, he couldn't imagine what you had been through so he decided to ask. "Y/n, what happened to you guys?"

You were about to answer until Erik noticed the two of you, "Thor! Y/n, you've been to Asgard, you finally got to go home." He told you as he came in to hug you.

"Yes, I have." you told him as you hugged him back, then you noticed something was off. "Erik, where are your pants?" You asked, not only worried for his well being, but worried you would see more of the scientist then you would prefer.

"He said it helps him think." Steve spoke up, making his way toward you and getting Erik off of you so he could give you a proper greeting. "Alright big guy, time to let go. You haven't said hi to Thor yet." He told Erik as he quickly went to your uncle. "Are you alright y/n? What happened?" He asked you concerned as he held you in his arms tightly, scared that you weren't really there and it was just his mind playing tricks on him. You were about to tell him what happened but Erik asking Thor something broke you once again.

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