The whole day had gone by and Bucky was finally coming back to. When he woke up at about midnight, you were no longer in the room with him, he felt a headache coming on and knew he needed to get rid of the pain before it got worse. As soon as he got out of the bed, he heard you scream and something break out in the living room. He quickly grabbed a hand gun off of the dresser and carefully made his way out to where you were.
When he turned around the corner, he was shocked at the sight, it looked like a tornado had run straight through the room. Glass was scattered all over the floor as well, as alcohol pooling in some areas. Everything in the kitchen had been pulled from its shelves and thrown carelessly to the floor. He continued to scan the room, tensing up when he saw you. You had a vase in hand and threw it at the wall and screamed just as he turned around. You hadn't noticed he was there yet, so as soon as the vase shattered, you fell to the floor and began to sob uncontrollably while your magic threw the furniture in the room in every which direction.
"Holy shit, y/n." Bucky whispered as he made his way toward your shaking form. When he got a good look at you he noticed you had blood on your hands and arms, most likely caused by the broke glass on the ground. "Oh god, y/n what happened?" Bucky asked you, even though he knew you wouldn't answer. When he looked closer he noticed you were wearing a night gown, your legs weren't shielded from the glass either. He quickly lifted you off the ground and carried you bridal style to the bathroom to get you cleaned up.
Once inside the bathroom, he had you sit on the edge of the bath tub and shut the door behind him, while he got a towel and began to run it under warm water so he could clean up some of your injuries. When he looked over he noticed you were still crying, but wouldn't make a sound, only stared at the wall as tears silently streamed down your face. Bucky slowly inched how way toward you, making sure not to scare you. He lifted the towel to the skin on your arm and began to clean up your cuts from the broken glass. Anything that seemed like it would cause you pain, brought absolutely no reaction from you. You only continued to stare at the wall as tears still fell from your eyes.
"Y/n, doll. Talk to me, please." Bucky whispered as he started cleaning your other arm now. When you still didn't answer he decided to start running the bath, whatever was bothering you, he needed to find out, but he needed to get you cleaned up and relaxed first. After he cleaned up the rest of your body, he slipped you out of your dress and gently placed you in the warm water of the tub. For awhile you barely moved a muscle, only leaning back when Bucky directed your body that way and had you rest your neck on the towel he placed there for your comfort.
Bucky let out a heavy sigh, the girl he saw before him was clearly in a broken state and he didn't understand why and wouldn't until you explained it to him. He watched you carefully, never letting you leave his sight as you continued to stare at the wall in front of you. He wasn't going to push you, he knew better than that, he would wait until you were ready to talk. He reached up for the shampoo and brought it over to where he needed to be. He quickly got your hair wet and then began to clean it, gently massaging your scalp and doing the best he could to relax you and hopefully bring you out of whatever state you were in. You finally looked up at Bucky with tears falling heavily from your eyes as he continued to wash your hair, you felt utterly helpless and you hated that.
You slowly brought your upper body up, as well as your knees, and began to cry into them. Bucky didn't say a word, he only slid your body a bit closer to him so he could rub your back and shoulders a bit, hoping that would give you a sense of comfort while you relieved yourself of the tears and pain. "Bucky..." You whispered in an almost inaudible voice as it cracked.
"I'm right here, doll." Bucky whispered calmly, knowing that you were speaking now meant he was getting somewhere with this, and that you would hopefully be okay by the end of the night.

FanfictionLoki's daughter, Y/n was left on this planet at a very young age by her uncle, she was born with magical abilities. She was thought to be safe here, but ended up in the hands of Hydra. Tortured and experimented on for years with no sign or hope of a...