Suit Up

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"Y/n, wake up." Sam tried again, giving your body a small shake this time. "You're knight with a shining arm is about to wake up." He told you, laughing a bit when he saw your eyes finally shoot open.

"How long was I asleep for?" You asked as you rubbed your eyes before looking in Bucky's direction, seeing him stir a bit.

"About an hour, Steve's been keeping an eye on what's going on outside and I've been keeping an eye on you and Barnes." He told you as he helped you off the ground. "Hey Cap!" Sam called out, getting Steve's attention to meet with the three of you. As soon as he made his way toward the three of you, you all watched Bucky, anxiously waiting for him to wake up.

He didn't notice any of you right away, all he saw was that his arm was trapped, and he instantly assumed the worst. He thought he had been captured again, that is until his eyes landed on Steve, letting out a small sigh of relief. "Steve." He whispered to all of you.

"Which Bucky am I talking to?"

Bucky thought about it for a moment, wondering what he could say to Steve that would prove he was back to himself, then it hit him. "Your mom's name was Sarah, you used to wear newspapers in your shoes." He told him with a small laugh at the end.

"It's him." You whispered as you now stood next to Steve, "his memories are still there."

"Just like that, were supposed to be cool?" Sam asked from the other side of the room, not wanting to get close to Bucky.

Bucky looked back at him with a sad look in his eyes, he doesn't know Sam but he knew he'd hurt him a few times. Then he looked at Steve, he saw how tired and beaten he looked, he could only assume he was the cause of it somehow. His eyes finally fell on you, glossing over when he saw all the blood on your shirt from where he had stabbed you, as well as the bruises on your neck, remembering what he had done to you, regretting all of it. "What did I do?" He asked you and Steve.

"Enough." Steve told him flatly.

"I knew I couldn't be trusted." Bucky muttered to himself.

"Bucky, don't do that to yourself." You told him softly as you began making your way toward him.

"All he had to do was say those goddamn words y/n, that's all he had to do for me to lose it, that's all anyone has to do." Bucky fought back.

"And now that I know about them, I can get rid of them once were safe." You shot back.

"Buck, who was he?" Steve asked him, changing the subject before it could escalate into something else.

"I don't know."

"People are dead, the bombing, the set up, the doctor did all that just to get ten minutes with you. I need you to do better than I don't know."

"He wanted to know about Siberia, where I was kept." Bucky told all of you as he seemed to still be searching his mind. "He wanted to know exactly where."

"Bucky, why would he need to know that?" You asked softly as you began releasing his arm from its metal trap.

"Because I'm not the only winter soldier." Bucky went on to tell the story of how he retrieved the serum and was forced to help hydra create more human weapons. Your heart ached at what he told all of you he went through without you. You knew Hydra was terrible, but despite being on your own with them for years before he came along, you couldn't help but still feel guilty that the reason he was in this mess in the first place was because of you.

"Who are they?" Steve asked, referring to what Bucky had told them.

"Their most elite death squad, more kills than anyone in hydra history, and that was before the serum."

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