Show Time

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The two of you slept in shifts that night, for this plan to work you both needed to be fully awake, and in position before the guard opened the cell door. You heard heavy footsteps marching toward in the halls and you knew it was almost time. "Bucky! Bucky wake up!" You whispered while shaking him. Luckily Bucky was already half awake. He quickly sat up and began to stand, lifting you to your feet as well.

"Come on doll, it's show time." He whispered to you as you guys got into position in the darkened corners by the cell door so the guards wouldn't see you two coming. "Alright y/n, just like we practiced." Your eyes began to glow green and you could feel you're power reaching the strongest it's ever been, you were determined to leave today, and nothing would stand in your way. You began to work your magic, pointing your hand to the corner the guards would normally find Bucky and yourself, you created a duplicate of the two of you. You had the doubles sleeping in the corner so when the guard came in they would have to walk over to them, Bucky looked over at you and gave you the thumbs up. "Alright, on my signal, our plan begins okay? No turning back now, till the end of the line."

"Till the end of the line, Bucky." you smiled. You quieted down as you heard footsteps outside the cell again. You and Bucky backed into your corners as far as you could so the guards wouldn't see. As they walked through the door, they immediately walks towards your duplicates.

"Wake up!" They yelled, pointing their guns at the doubles. "Wake up now!" They yelled once more. You looked to Bucky across the way who was counting down for you. The guards were so preoccupied with you're handy work that they didn't notice the green mist that was forming behind them, ready to attack.




When Bucky ended his count down, giving the signal, your plan started. The doubles woke up and smirked at the guards while the guards looked at each other confused. Your eyes started to glow brighter and the battle began. One of the guards guns went off to shot the other. The guard that was still alive was thrown against the wall with so much force that he most likely didn't survive. Bucky quickly moved to grab his gun while strapping the other one to his back, you decided to send your mist to the hall along with some smoke to cover the two of you. Bucky grabbed some extra ammunition from the guards vests and met you at the door. "Stay behind me, got it!?"

"Got it!"

With that, the two of you went out into the hall. You created a shield with your magic what would stop any bullets from hitting the two of you. Bucky began shooting down any Hydra agent that crossed him, even the ones with their backs turned for good measure, and a little bit of revenge. A group of guards began shooting from behind you, each bullet hitting the shield, Bucky turned around and smirked at you. "Show em' what you got kid." He said as he stepped back, covering you if anyone decided to try and sneak up on the two of you again.

The lights began to flicker and the hall began to shake. The guards were lifted from the ground, stripped of their weapons, only to have them turned against them. You killed half of the guards by shooting them with whatever bullets were left. The other half of the guards were thrown to the roof or the walls with enough force that at the very least broke their spines. You turned back to Bucky with a huge smirk that he returned. There was a shift behind you, luckily Bucky reacted quickly, shooting the one guard that somehow survived your wrath. "Missed one." He winked as the two of you began making your way towards the exit again.

By this time the alarms had been sounded and the guards were coming from every angle now, Bucky placed you in the center of all the halls and sat at your feet, gun raised in case anyone survived your next party trick. Like before, the lights began to flicker, but this time the whole building began to shake. The guards were paralyzed, not only by your magic, but my fear as well. "Ready Bucky!?" You yelled to him

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