By the time the Avengers got to the next base, all hell broke loose. Nothing but gunshots and screams were heard throughout the building. Even Bruce had to turn into the hulk to help take down the guards. "Steve! Why are there so many more guard at this base?" Tony asked over the comms while he was busy trying to find a way to get inside.
"They knew we were coming. Someone must have alerted them once we took the first base down." Steve replied as he fought his way through a group of guards. "Did you find a way inside yet?" He asked Tony as he finally knocked the last guard out.
"There's an opening on the west side of the building, it has the least amount of guards. I'll start taking them down now, just get here as fast as you can before more show up." Tony replied as he began firing at the guards.
"Thor, I need a lift. Do you copy?" Steve asked over the comm, only to be immediately answered by Thor grabbing him as he flew by with his hammer. As soon as they got to where they needed to be, Thor placed Steve on the ground and got ready to fight. It wasn't needed though, Tony had taken care of the guards like he told Steve he would.
"Glad you too could make it." Tony said sarcastically as he lifted his mask to speak with the two of them. His eyes gave away his true feelings about what was to come, Tony was scared of what they might find in the building.
"Any idea what's in there Stark?" Steve asked cautiously as he walked a little closer to the building.
"No idea, but it's gotta be more than we found at the last base for it to be so heavily guarded." Tony replied. "They don't have the septar though, Jarvis isn't getting any signal on that."
"But they may have the location of the base that does have it, the sooner we find the septar, the sooner we can stop them from creating anything that is close to y/n's power." Thor explained as he made his way to the building.
"We're all clear out here you guys, get inside that building and find out whatever they're hiding. We'll meet you all inside." Natasha told them over the comms.
"Tony, are you ready for this?" Steve asked him cautiously when he noticed he hadn't moved any closer to the building that when he first got here.
Tony had been struggling with the fact that he hadn't been able to contact you, and didn't even know if you were still alive. Even with the first base they took down, all he could think of was finding you there, being experimented on again, or even worse. You were family to him, and it wasn't that he didn't think you couldn't handle yourself, it was that he wanted to be able to protect you, he hated that he didn't even have a clue as to where you would be going. With a deep breath he turned around and dropped his mask back down. "Ready cap, let's do this for y/n." He told him confidently as he pushed his way in front of Steve and Thor so he could scan the rooms.
As they made their way through the building, Tony kept coming up empty. The building was quiet, to quiet for their liking. That is, until Jarvis finally found something, "sir, the room to the far left is full of heat signatures, almost as if whatever they are protecting is in the room." The AI told Tony and the team.
"Tony, blast the door open. Thor, as soon as Tony is clear from your line of fire, light the guards up. Whoever is leading this building is in there." Steve ordered as he made followed closely behind Tony. As soon as the door was blown open, Thor used his lighting to bring down every agent in the room. Steve quickly entered the room and saw one agent was still standing with a smirk on his face. Steve charged toward him and threw him against the wall. "What the hell are you guys hiding here?" Steve yelled at the man.
"Ah, Captain. It's so pleasant to finally meet you. Tell me, do you know where your friends are?" The man smirked.
Steve pushed him harder against the wall before his faultier slightly. "What did you say?" He asked confused.

FanfictionLoki's daughter, Y/n was left on this planet at a very young age by her uncle, she was born with magical abilities. She was thought to be safe here, but ended up in the hands of Hydra. Tortured and experimented on for years with no sign or hope of a...