Dear Steve,
I wish you were awake so I didn't have to write you this letter, but the doctors say they aren't sure when you'll actually wake up, and I don't have much time. I have to leave and help Bucky, I watched as he pulled you out of the river and waited till he knew you were alive to leave. He's in there somewhere and I know how to get him back, but I can't do that with you or the Avengers around. He won't trust that many people, it needs to be me. I can help him, but I have to leave in order to do so. That being said, I need to leave you as well. This isn't because I don't love you, it's because I love you deeply, but I'm not the person you need. You don't need someone with such a scattered past and who you can never fully trust. We've had some amazing times together and I will always cherish them, hopefully when I come back you'll have new memories with someone else. I wish things didn't have to end like this, I really do, but this is the right thing. I hope you can understand that. I'll bring Bucky back once he's back to himself fully, until then, this is goodbye. You'll always hold a piece of my heart, I love you Steven Grant Rogers. Please stay safe for me, and don't do anything stupid until we get back. Please.Love,
Coffee girlSteve ran his thumb over the lipstick stain you left next to your name as he read your letter over and over again. It hurt him to know you had already left, but deep down he knew you were right, everything you were doing was for Bucky and he couldn't be against that, but he would still try to find the two of you regardless. "She's gone." He whispered to himself, but it didn't slip his teammates notice.
"For now, but she's coming back." Tony reassured him from the end of his bed, "she has to." He whispered to himself, but that didn't slip Steve's attention either.
"She's doing this for Bucky, the sooner she can help him, the sooner she'll come back and with him." Sam told him from the chair next to him.
"But I could have helped her." Steve whispered to all of them as he began to read the letter again, searching for anything that might give him a hint as to where you would be. "Where is she now?" Steve asked even though he already knew the answer wasn't known to anyone besides you.
"Jarvis lost all traces of her as soon as she left the building." Tony told him sadly, "I thought it might be worth a shot to at least try to keep an eye on her."
"She does not wish to be found anytime soon, she's using her magic to keep herself and your friend hidden even from even Heimdall. If being found is not something she wants, then she will stay secluded for as long as it takes her to finish her task." Thor explained to all of them.
"But why does she need to do that? What's wrong with us knowing where they are incase something goes wrong?" Sam asked as he was still confused on your reasoning for doing that.
"If she doesn't show up in our system then there's no way in hell she'll show up on anyone else's. She's trying to keep herself and Barnes hidden from Hydra and any other groups that might want to get ahold of them." Tony explained.
"If we can't find them, then maybe we can give them a little extra protection. Fury said there were still a lot of Hydra faculties in the world, we can take as many down as we can while she's with Bucky. We still have to find Loki's septar anyway right? We're killing two birds with one stone." Steve told the team. "Tony, can you have Jarvis search for any known bases? From there we can find the rest."
"Already on it cap, me and Thor are going to go get as many down as we can while you recover. We'll see you when you get out of here." Tony told him as him and Thor walked out of the room to go and get started.
As soon as they left, Natasha made her way into the room with a a couple files in hand. She sat next to Sam and handed them to Steve, "I called in a few favors and got that info you were looking for." She told him.

FanficLoki's daughter, Y/n was left on this planet at a very young age by her uncle, she was born with magical abilities. She was thought to be safe here, but ended up in the hands of Hydra. Tortured and experimented on for years with no sign or hope of a...