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"So, who's house is this again?" Bucky asked as he walked around the giant living room. You knew this would be a safe place to stay, at least until you could find another apartment building for you and Bucky to live in. You also knew it would ease Tony's nerves a bit if he knew where you were after the fire had broken out.

"Remember the guy you saw in the red and gold suit? It's his house." You told Bucky as you made your way to the couch, wasting no time plopping yourself on it and getting comfortable. You let out an exhausted sigh after, which caused Bucky to chuckle. "What's so funny Buckaroo?" You smirked.

"Buckaroo? That's a new one." He joked as he sat down next to you, pulling you closer to him. "We made it out, and together this time" he told you quietly as he smiled to himself.

You looked up at his expression and couldn't help but smile yourself as well. "Yeah, we did, didn't we?" You thought out loud as you rested your head on his shoulder. This only caused him to pull you even closer to him and rest his head on yours as well.

"Too bad we never got to finish our dance." Bucky whispered to you, as he ran his hand up and down your arm. "Does your friend have music?" He asked you curiously.

"I am equipped with over one million songs Mr. Barnes." Jarvis replied.

"What the hell was that?" Bucky asked as he looked around the room nervously.

"Relax, that was just Jarvis. He's kinda like a super computer." You joked.

"I'm actually not a computer Y/n, I'm an artificial intelligence program designed to-"

"Jarvis, it was a joke buddy." You cut him off.

"Yes of course, almost as funny as Mr. Stark's jokes." The AI responded sarcastically.

"He's a sassy super computer." You whispered to Bucky, causing him to chuckle and pull you closer to him once again.

"Miss Y/n, Mr. Stark has asked me to inform you that the security systems are still fully functional. If you wish, you may end your spell for the time being, if there is any possible threat, I will eliminate it within seconds. I can even place the shields up." Jarvis informed you.

"Tell him thank you for me Jarvis, it'll defiantly help me out." You told him. Keeping the spell ongoing, and bringing Bucky's memories back, does drain a lot of your magic all at once. To be able to let your guard down would help you feel a bit recharged.

"Mr. Stark also wanted me to tell you, that he insists for the two of you to stay in his home for as long as you need, and that he will keep it a secret until you order otherwise. Let me know if there is any other way I can be of service for the two of you." Jarvis spoke up again.

"Wow, you got some pretty cool friends doll." Bucky told you with a small smile.

"They'll be your friends soon too you know?" You replied as you finally looked up at him. The main reason for all of this was to bring him back to Steve, and yourself, which meant he would live at the tower with the two of you, as well as the rest of the team.

"I doubt they'd accept me, especially after all the things I've done." Bucky sadly whispered to himself, though it was still heard by you.

"Bucky, that's not true." You told him as you began to sit up straight and turned toward him.

"No one is going to be able to look at Hydra's number one weapon, and welcome him into their lives with open arms." Bucky responded louder and slightly angrier than before, causing you to pull back slightly. He quickly took notice of your change in posture and decide it would be best to just take a breath for a moment. "I'm sorry doll, I just know that no one is going to be able to look past what hydra made me out to be." He told you quietly and he dropped his head into his hands.

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