Family Reunion

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Loki had finally spoken up, Steve and Tony gave you a look of confusion. Steve moved you a little farther away from Loki, finally realizing he was what was making you uncomfortable. When the three of you looked back at Loki, he got a better look at you and his thoughts were finally confirmed. "It is... After all this time. This is where they left you isn't it? Thor, Odin, this was their plan to keep you away from me wasn't it? My own daughter." He said, growing angry.

Fury hadn't told any of the Avengers about your relation to Loki, they all just assumed he was after you for your powers, not because you were his own flesh and blood. Both men turned to you, hoping you would give some type of explanation, but you said nothing. All you could do was stare at your father, a man you hadn't seen since you were eight. Part of you missed him, missed having a dad, having someone to love you unconditionally, but the rest of you knew he wasn't the same as when you were young, he was lost now. A crack of thunder and lightning broke you from your staring match.

All of you looked around the jet and out the windows, none of you understood why there was so much, it appeared randomly. You, Tony, and Steve looked back over at Loki to find he looked terrified. "What's wrong? Scared of a little lightning?" Steve said, almost as if he was trying to intimidating him.

"I'm not overly fond of what follows." Loki replied. Suddenly everything clicked, this wasn't just some random freak lightning storm, this was your uncle. Your thoughts were confirmed when the back of the jet opened up to reveal your uncle, meaning the three of you were all in one place together for the first time in seventy years. Thor only looked at Loki, not knowing you were even there. He grabbed Loki and left the jet, now your father needed to be captured once again.

"Another Asgardian?!" Natasha yelled from the front of the jet while she was tampering with the controls to keep the jet as stable as possible.

"Those guys are friendly right?" Steve asked you and Tony.

"Doesn't matter, if he frees Loki or kills him, the tesseract is gone" Tony replied as he began to walk to the opening of the jet.

"Stark, we need a plan of attack!"

Tony turned his head back as his mask ever so dramatically dropped to shield his face, "I have a plan, attack." With that he flew off to go follow Thor and Loki.

Steve began looking for a parachute, you could only assume he was going to try and follow them as well, you feared what could happen to him if he got in the middle of your uncle and father fighting. "Steve, what are you doing?" You asked.

This caught Natasha's attention and she quickly butted in, "I'd sit this one out Cap!"

Steve continued to strap on his parachute, he wasn't going to back down from this. "I don't see how I can."

"These guys are legends, they're basically god's!" She tried one more time to change his mind, but Steve was stubborn, everything you were told about him.

"There's only one God, and I'm pretty sure he doesn't dress like that." With that, Steve left the jet as well. You watched as Tony went for Thor, leaving Loki alone, he could easily run. These men were about to fight each other and all for the same purpose. To capture Loki, in the process they left him alone.

"Y/n! You're the only one that can stop all of them and bring Loki back, go! We will bring the jet down and cover for you. One wrong move and they're all going down okay?" Natasha yelled at you from the front of the jet, she was right, Loki needed to be brought in. You had your magic to protect you, and if the other guys were to turn against you in the process, Natasha could easily take them down. You gave her a quick nod telling her you were ready and willing to go with her plan. You closed your eyes and focused on teleporting yourself to where Loki was.

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