You Saved Me

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Slight mention of attempted rape in the 3rd paragraph if you want to skip it, but nothing detailed. I felt the need to put a warning because I know it's a sensitive subject. Plus, I felt like it was about time to write about Bucky beating up some hydra jerks, the story still needs action, right?

For the first time in years you fell asleep with a smile on your face. You felt safe for once, but good things can only last so long with Hydra. You were their prisoner after all, and there were no rules as to what could be done to you, as as long as you were still breathing and alive for experiments. You didn't hear the cell door slowly creek open, or the two guards walk inside. Some nights the guards would come in and abuse you in any way they wanted. To them you were no more than a helpless girl, and that was all they wanted. "Look at her smile in her sleep, I think it's about time to wipe that smile off her face, don't you?" One of the guards said to the other

"I'll hold her down." The other guard said in a cold tone. He quietly walked up to you and covered your mouth, quickly pulling you away from Bucky before he could even notice you were gone. The guard dragged you to the other side of the room to meet the other man, once he reached the other, he threw you to the ground still covering your mouth so your screams were muffled.

You knew exactly what was about to happen, it's happened before. These hydra men were sick and twisted, they didn't care about you're age, they had twenty four hour access to your cell, you could only hope that this would go by fast. Cold rough hands touched your face, you were disgusted by these men, you knew it wasn't right for this to happen. You closed your eyes and decided to try and use your magic the get them off you, the blue mist began to appear and it pulled their batons from their belts and hit them over the head. It was effective, but was short lived. They both grabbed their batons and did the same to you. "Looks like your in need of this lesson." One of the guards hissed at you. Your scream was muffled once again. The other man began to choke you now to try and shut you up so he could do what he came here for. As soon as he started to lift your shirt and unzip his pants, someone else cleared their throat.

"Let her go and leave. Now." Bucky said, anger laced in his tone. He stood over both of the guards with one of their batons in his flesh hand, while his metal hand was clenched into a tight fist, and you could hear the plates of his arm shifting. The guards laughed, they didn't take him seriously. The one started to choke you again, but oh was that a big mistake he made. Bucky used the baton to bash him in the head, much harder than the guards had hit you, and used his metal arm to choke and lift the man off the ground. The guard that still had ahold of you lifted you to your feet, putting his gun to your head as started yelling at Bucky to get his attention.

"Drop him! Drop him now or I'll shoot her!" Bucky slowly lowered the other guard to the ground only to, smirk before punching him square in the face to knock him unconscious. The other guard dropped you and ran to his friend, but Bucky stopped him before he could reach his friend, pulling him closer by the collar of his uniform.

"I thought I told you to leave." Bucky growled, venom in his words. "Take your buddy here and go." He let the guard go next to his friend. The guard grabbed his friend and gave one last look to Bucky, when Bucky saw him stop for a moment he decided to yell this time. "Leave! Now!" And with that the guard left, locking the cell door once again. Bucky stared at the door for a moment to make sure no one was coming in again for the rest of the night. His staring match with the door was cut short when he heard you start to cough. He rushed over to you and gave you whatever water was left in his glass from dinner, anxiously waiting for you to catch your breath again.

He started to search your body for injuries, a bruise forming on your forehead and another on your shoulder. Then he remembered what he saw when he woke up, a man with his hands all over you while the other held you down to watch. He wondered why you weren't more frightened, and was scared of your answer to his question "Have they done things like that to you before?" Your silence was enough to scream the answer to him, your life here was so much worse than he ever thought to believe. He watched you as your eyes avoided his, fighting back tears once again. He didn't blame you, he couldn't even begin to imagine what you could be feeling right now, what you've felt all the nights before, or even if you had ever slept easy before tonight. Something so simple, and you'd been denied that as well.

A deep sigh from you caught his attention and he was ready to listen to anything you had to say and ready to comfort you if it was needed. "Thank you Bucky." Was all you said. It caught him a little off guard, the last thing he expected right now was a thank you.

"For what?" He asked, still curious.

"You saved me from them. No one has ever helped me before. You've already seen how everyone here acts. Thank you for protecting me, Buck." You flashed him a small smile to show you meant what you said. He opened his arms for you to burry yourself into, you willingly complied rushing towards him. You both held each other in a tight embrace for a few moments. The two of you pulled apart and he watched you as you yawned and rubbed your eyes, it was still the middle of the night, of course you would still be tired.

"Come on doll, let's get you back to sleep. No one else will ever lay a finger on you as long as I'm alive and able." He told you with a small smile. He crouched back down to pick you up with one arm under your legs and the other around your back. You put your arms around his neck and rested your head on his shoulder as he carried you back to the other side of the cell. You were already half asleep when he brought the both of you to the ground. You chose to stay in his lap, it was where you felt safest tonight knowing that if anyone tried to hurt you again, Bucky would know before you even made it too far away from him, and he gladly let you stay there knowing the exact same thing.

"Bucky?" You whispered, almost so quietly you weren't sure he heard until he hummed in response "thanks for being my hero." You whispered, finally falling back asleep.

He felt a sense of pride knowing that you now saw him as a friend and a protector, something he planned on being from the moment he met you. He smiled to himself and looked down at your sleeping form, brushing your hair out of your face, the movement made causing you to tighten your grip on him slightly, it didn't bother him though. He brought the jacket up higher so it would cover all but your face to keep you warm as he finally replied to your statement, "I'll always protect you y/n." He paused to leave a kiss on your forehead once again "always." With that, he finally fell back asleep as well.

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